Pineapple consists of bromelain enzyme. This enzyme is known for its ability to digest protein. Although it is present in all the parts of pineapple, its highest concentration is found in the stem. Find out more about this enzyme in the following write-up.
Bromelain is a protease enzyme found in pineapple (Ananas comosus) which belongs to the plant family Bromeliaceae. This enzyme is one of the two protease enzyme which are known for their protein digesting capacity. It is mostly found in the stem part of the pineapple. Its structure mainly consist of cysteine proteases.
It also contains amylase, cellulase, acid phosphatase and peroxidase in very small quantity. It breaks the complex structure of protein, the body dissolves the nutrition and the waste is secreted out. The optimum temperature for this enzyme to get active is 50°C to 60°C and most active pH is 3.0 to 8.0. It is found only in the fresh pineapples, as in canned or frozen pineapples the enzyme is destroyed.
Bromelain enzyme activity indicates its anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic and anti-thrombotic properties. As the juice of pineapple fruit may not contain that much of enzyme and the stem does not taste so good, there are capsules available in the market which are specially manufactured by extracting this enzyme from the source. It was first extracted in 1891 but was introduced as a therapeutic supplement in the year 1957. These capsules are recommended for the patients and are very helpful in curing many diseases.
Bromelain supplements are available in the market which are recommended for their therapeutic uses. It helps in curing digestive problems, cardiovascular complications, joint pain, etc. Following are some of the bromelain benefits which may help in overcoming various diseases.
- Bromelain helps the digestive system by breaking down the complex structure of protein and helping the body to overcome the problem of heartburn and indigestion.
- It thins the accumulated mucus and gives relief in asthma, sinusitis and bronchitis.
- It is known for its anti-cogulating properties which helps in preventing strokes and other heart related diseases.
- It helps in the muscle inflammation and swelling as it breaks down the protein and reduces the pain in the joints and muscles.
- It helps in a speedy recovery of the torn ligaments.
- According to some tests bromelain is useful in treating many bacterial and viral infections.
- They are also found effective in rendering the function of cancerous cells.
- It also possess anti-aging properties.
- It is also used as a meat tenderizer.
Side Effects
Although bromelain enzyme in pineapple has many uses but there are some side effect also which should be considered while taking its supplements. As it has the ability to absorb antibiotics, bromelain supplements should not be taken with antibiotics or wafrin without consulting the doctor. Overdose of its supplements can also be dangerous. Bromelain supplements are not considered safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and people who are allergic to pineapple, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking its supplements.
I hope the above information on bromelain will definitely make you understand the pineapple juice benefits. So, include this beneficial fruit in your diet and try to eat it fresh so as to get most of its nutrients.