Maltodextrin is a common ingredient in many ready-to-drink protein shakes and sports drinks. However, if you are looking at weight loss as your primary goal, you would find it convenient not to consume the same in high content. Why? Well, let’s find out.
Maltodextrin is an ingredient that is prevalent in several ready-to-drink protein shakes and sports drinks that are centered towards aiding you to make your body taut and strong. It is one ingredient widely accepted and ingested for weightlifting and athletic activities. This is so because maltodextrin consists of complex carbohydrates that can be digested quickly, with greater ease. However, if you are not keen on bodybuilding and weightlifting, you may not be interested in consuming the content in large amounts as it has high-glycemic carbohydrates to contribute.
Defining Maltodextrin
Maltodextrin is a dietary supplement that is added in many ready-to-drink protein shakes that aid bodybuilders, weightlifters and athletes. Maltodextrin is also a common additive to a number of foods. It is classified as a sweet polysaccharide. It does contain some sweetness to deliver to the dish it is added, however, the number of calories that you adopt while you consume sugar in place of maltodextrin are comparatively much lesser. Thus, maltodextrin can be used in a number of recipes to concoct a dish controlled in delivering sweetness.
Nutrition Facts about Maltodextrin
Maltodextrin is essentially considered to be a carbohydrate. Maltodextrin as mentioned earlier is easily digestible. With this statement, I make it very clear that maltodextrin is a safe dietary supplement that can be consumed without any health issues cropping up. With ailments and conditions such as diabetes, one is able to manage and control the diabetes levels with greater efficiency. Maltodextrin is a corn-derived oligosaccharide source of carbohydrates. Oligosaccharides contain between 3 and 20 linked sugars, but they qualify as complex carbohydrates.
Maltodextrin is made from rice, corn or potato starch. It is produced by cooking down the starch that is achieved through the addition of potatoes. The natural enzymes and acids work further to breakdown the starch content through the process of hydrolysis of starch. What we receive is a white colored powder. Maltodextrin powder may approximately contain 4 calories per gram, thereby, containing 380 calories per 100 gm, when administered in a drink or added in food. There are negligible amounts of protein and fiber contributing to the supplement.
Benefits of Maltodextrin
Carbohydrates play a huge role in helping you win the battle against weight issues. Carbohydrates are a primary source of fuel for the body. Maltodextrin consists of and delivers fast-digesting carbohydrates that help in increasing the hormone insulin, which triggers more of the sugars to get stored as body fat. You may think that maltodextrin has no role to play in a weight loss diet, however, its effects on insulin levels can prove advantageous if you use it at the right times and in the right amounts.
Maltodextrin can prove to be a convenient source of high-glycemic carbohydrates that you can add to homemade protein shakes, fruit drinks or milkshakes. Maltodextrin predominantly appears in weight-gainer and post-workout recovery formulas. If you supply proper nutrients for muscle recovery after a workout, maltodextrin allows the body to burn fat more effectively. Muscles that have been cannibalized due to a heavy and rigorous workout can also be repaired and recovered to facilitate the efficient and effective workouts the following day. Thus, muscle fatigue is well-tackled with the intake of maltodextrin.
If you want to use maltodextrin around the kitchen, it can be found in products for making instant puddings and flavored gelatins. The sweet taste that it delivers, makes it a healthier cousin of sugar, thereby, making it ideal for use in sweetening tea, coffee, and powdered soft drinks. Maltodextrin can also be used as a thickening agent in a number of sauces and salad dressings. If you want your broth to be thick and creamy, you are free to use maltodextrin and enjoy your meals without worrying about the calorie intake.