Stomach upset, dizziness and diarrhea are some of the common Coenzyme Q10 side effects. The following NutriNeat article elaborates more on the adverse effects of this supplement.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound in our body cells. The compound assists in the production of energy, which is utilized to execute various biological processes. Deficiency of CoQ10, which is rare, can lead to decreased energy levels and impair the immune system. Studies show that conventional treatment coupled with intake of CoQ10 can improve medical conditions related to the heart, teeth and even cancer. However, there are few side effects associated with its usage. The side effects are severe, especially in people allergic to this supplement. They are discussed below:
Stomach Upset
Occasional stomach discomfort from CoQ10 has also been reported in few patients. Stomach upset is typically marked by poor digestion and burning sensation in the chest area.
Watery stools is a common complaint among patients who take these supplements. Loose fecal matter during bowel evacuation is not worrisome but is an indicative of digestive problems.
Dizziness which is nothing but sudden feeling of vertigo.The supplement interferes with normal blood sugar levels and that is why the person feels as if the surrounding environment is moving around him. A drop in blood sugar levels is one of its side effects and so people suffering from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) are advised to stay away from this supplement.
Nauseating feeling has also been attributed to intake of this supplement. Although, it is not a serious issue, constant nausea can sharply decrease the appetite.
Difficulty Sleeping
This is yet another side effect that can deprive the patient of sufficient sleep. Falling asleep might be difficult for people with this supplement. However, in most cases it is mild insomnia that has been associated with CoQ10 dose.
Allergic Reaction
Patients who are allergic to this supplement, are likely to suffer from its adverse side effects. An allergic reaction from a substance occurs when the immune system considers it as harmful. In case of CoQ10, the person may show development of skin rashes on various parts of the body. Skin problems likes hives may erupt due to allergic reactions. Trouble breathing as well as unexplained swelling on the face and mouth, also indicate allergy to this supplement.
How to Avoid Side Effects
The amount of medicine a person takes is usually the culprit behind the occurrence of side effects. Reducing the supplemental dose may help to keep its side effects at bay. For instance, sleeping problems as well as diarrhea might go away if CoQ10 is taken in smaller amounts.
Keep in mind that one cannot avoid prescription medicines and rely only on CoQ10 supplements to improve a condition. These supplements are to be taken along with prescription medicines. Also, even after decreasing the dosage, if the side effects continue to ‘haunt’ the patient, then discontinuing the medicine is recommended.
On the whole, people wanting to use this supplement for their medical condition need to first take permission from a qualified doctor. Also, in order to significantly reduce its side effects, decreasing the dose (avoid taking over 100 mg per day) is recommended.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.