Some of the positive effects of creatine on the body are increase in lean muscle mass and increased levels of energy, and the side effects attributed to creatine are water retention, and kidney stones.
If you talk to people who religiously workout in the gym, they will sing praises of creatine and probably will talk to you for hours regarding its benefits to the body. Creatine is naturally produced by the body in the kidney and liver. Our bodies use creatine to supply energy to our muscles and is used to replenish them. Some of the dietary sources of creatine are foods like beef, tuna, etc but bodybuilders prefer creatine supplements as they are more potent. If you are a first timer it is advisable that you take creatine in a loading cycle, meaning take around 15-20 grams per day for the first week and then take around 5-10 grams per day. The other way to do it is taking creatine supplements for a longer duration by limiting the dosage to just 5-10 grams per day.
Creatine is a naturally occurring organic acid which supplies energy to the muscles. One of the benefits of creatine is the increase in lean muscle mass, this happens because creatine assists in increasing muscle cell volume. The reason behind the popularity of creatine is that it increases energy levels in athletes and this benefits them when doing high intensity workouts. It is also known to hasten muscle recovery and strengthen them.
One of the facts about creatine is that it increases muscle protein synthesizing action and this way helps us build muscles faster. All you have to remember when taking creatine is to increase your water intake. This will help proper hydration of the body as creatine is at times responsible for water retention. Another benefit of creatine is that it minimizes protein breakdown and strengthens muscle fibers. You can find a product that suits you by reading up the various reviews.
If you are planning to take bodybuilding supplements creatine is probably the best choice after testosterone supplements. It is suggested that you take creatine around 45-60 minutes before your workout to boost your energy levels during intense workouts. You can take it with water or with a non acidic juice, this will accelerate the absorption process. The effects of creatine on the body of a young athlete are known to be substantial with good muscle gains seen in the first few weeks.
Side Effects of Creatine
Like most supplements there are some side effects associated with creatine like stomach cramping. There have been instances where people have experienced severe cramping due to the consumption of creatine. One of the side effects is that it tends to cause water retention in the body. Creatine will draw water from other tissues of the body if the person isn’t adequately hydrated.
When creatine metabolism happens, the by-product is creatinine, this can at times cause kidney related problems. One of the creatine effects on kidneys is that it may cause kidney stones, when you supplement creatine the kidneys will have to work harder to rid the body of the waste product creatinine. The long-term creatine effects on liver are yet to be proven unequivocally, but prolonged intake of creatine can lead to liver dysfunction.
Some of the other minor side effects of creatine are nausea and it may also cause diarrhea in some patients. Athletes have also complained of muscle pulls when using creatine supplements however this can be easily rectified by increasing the water intake. Although not proven but heat intolerance and cramps are also associated with creatine intake. Some people also get a bloated feeling when they are taking creatine supplements.
The effects on body are favorable and the side effects can be easily avoided by taking simple precautions like improving water intake. If you are going to the gym regularly and aren’t getting the desired effects you can try adding creatine supplements in your gym bag.