Caralluma fimbriata supplements marketed as weight loss remedies contain chemicals that are extracted from the plant itself. The following article discusses the safety aspect of this supplement.
Are you on a weight losing spree and toying with the idea of using weight loss supplements? Well, you got to choose the right one that safely melts that extra fat. In recent times, a new herbal weight loss pill has created quite a buzz among its users, and is being strongly promoted as an effective weight loss solution. However, tall claims from various pharmaceutical companies are nothing new, which often turn out to be false. So does caralluma fimbriata belong to this category, and even if it is really an effective weight loss method, is it safe to take this supplement to lose weight.
Caralluma Fimbriata
Caralluma fimbriata is a herb predominantly found in India. Belonging to the cactus family, its use in the Indian subcontinent, especially in the tribal areas, dates back to several years. The reason why this herb is so popular is due to its ability to reduce the desire to eat food. Controlling food cravings is the biggest hurdle in losing weight, and to overcome this hurdle, caralluma fimbriata is indeed helpful. The tribals in India, at the time of shortage of food, would opt for caralluma fimbriata to control hunger. Tribesmen also ate this herb before going for long hunting periods, so that they could concentrate on the task at hand. Nowadays, it is mixed in pickles and chutney, and even cooked and then eaten as a vegetable in various parts of India. It is also available in the form of a solution that curbs both hunger and thirst.
The big question that comes into the mind of people who have decided to use it is regarding its safety. Losing extra pounds at the cost of overlooking bothersome health issues arising from weight loss side effects is certainly not what we expect or desire, isn’t it? Fortunately, this herbal pill does not cause any adverse reaction that may compel you to regret your decision. Various studies on the herbal supplement have shown positive evidence that reveals its effectiveness in promoting weight loss without any severe side effects. Its ability to curb hunger and speed up fat metabolism indeed works to drop those unwanted pounds in a safe way. Does that mean these herbal supplements are free from side effects? Studies did unravel its effects, but the good news is that they are mild, and so there is nothing to worry about. The side effects of this pill reported were flatulence and minor gastrointestinal issues, like stomach upset. It was also observed that once the body got used to the herbal supplement, the side effects went away in a week’s time.
Experts from various fields have found caralluma fimbriata product sold as a weight loss supplement to be safe and free from any kind of toxic side effects. Clinical studies in which rats were fed on this supplement for a pre-determined period also did not show any adverse reaction. Even human studies have confirmed that there is no harm in consuming this herbal supplement.
Studies not only confirmed the safety of this weight loss supplement but also assured its effectiveness. Overweight people who were put on these supplements for a specified period of time did experience reduced hunger pangs and an appreciable weight loss. Eating this herb in any form gives a feeling of fullness that lasts for a longer time and prevents us from eating in excess. Unlike other supplements, caralluma fimbriata is not just a mere appetite suppressant. It also promotes weight loss by decreasing the activity of citrase lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. The herb curbs down the actions of this enzyme, thereby reducing the fat stores. It also stimulates the body to burn more fat and increase metabolism. All this contributes in reducing weight, that too with minimal or no side effects whatsoever.
Buying authentic caralluma fimbriata supplements is the key to reap the benefits of this herbal weight loss supplement. The supplement that you will be using to reduce weight has to be genuine, containing the purest form of caralluma fimbriata. Herbal products sold under the name ‘Caralluma Burn’ have been studied extensively for efficacy and safety. Results have been positive and hence the product comes with a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) label. However, before including this supplement in your diet, talk to a qualified doctor or a herbalist to know more details.
From a health standpoint, this herbal supplement is safe, provided taken in the right dosage. Abuse of these supplements is obviously unsafe, and like any other weight loss supplement, will trigger numerous health problems and affect the quality of life.