Want to lose that extra fat accumulated in your body? If yes, here is an easy option to shed those extra calories. Lecithin is the key to it. Using its granules for losing weight is a chosen way these days. Read the article to know more about lecithin and its role in weight loss.
Losing weight is a major concern for a large number of people. Increased health consciousness has led people towards healthy living. Many people have now started to opt for various methods to lose weight. One such method which has gained significant popularity is the consumption of Lecithin granules.
The term “Lecithin”, is derived from the Greek word lekithos, which means egg yolk. It is found naturally in various food items. It contains essential fatty acids that are required by the body for proper functioning. As fatty acids are not produced in the body, these must be provided through an external source. Lecithin’s major component is phosphatidylcholine along with phosphorous, linoleic acid, and inositol as minor components.
Lecithin is essential for the heart, liver, brain, and almost every cell in the body. It acts by emulsifying the fat content of the body, thus preventing it from getting accumulated. Fats are broken down to smaller components and are used to generate energy. As lecithin prevents the fat from getting accumulated in the body, it helps in losing weight when combined with proper diet and exercise.
Lecithin is available as capsules, powder and granules. Lecithin granules are free-flowing in nature and can be used along with any food item. Granules do not have a taste and hence, do not alter the taste of the food item with which these are consumed.
Benefits of Lecithin Granules in Weight Loss
Cholesterol and fat deposits in the heart and body are depleted due to the increased metabolizing capacity of the body. This ultimately results in loss of weight.
- Benefit to the Heart – Helps in reducing cholesterol level in the body thus, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Benefit to the Liver – Improves the metabolizing capability of the liver.
Recommended Dosage
Lecithin granules can be used by anyone aiming for weight loss. But it is advisable to get in touch with your doctor before starting the intake, as he will be in a better position to prescribe the right dosage for you. The granules can be sprinkled over food item and consumed. These are easy on the palate and available in a medical store. It is good to choose the granular dosage form of lecithin over the capsule because granules are easily dispersed and absorbed in the body. Secondly, capsules can have reduced action due to powdering of the capsule content.
Associated Side Effects
Intake of prescribed dosage for weight loss will cause no harm to the body, as lecithin granules are proven safe for human consumption. However, over intake for faster weight loss can result in side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea. Hence, it is advisable to consult a doctor before increasing the intake of granules. Pregnant women should consciously take doctor’s consent before using lecithin granules.
Foods Rich in Lecithin
It is always better to go for natural foods, rather than consuming external supplements. Eggs, soybean, fish, and nuts are a few sources of lecithin. Incorporating them in the diet helps in losing weight the natural way.
Organic Lecithin Granules
Organic lecithin derived from plant source is safe for human consumption. Earlier it was obtained from egg yolk, but nowadays it is mostly obtained from soybean. Sludge obtained from soybean processing contains lecithin, which is processed further to obtain granules.
From the above information, it is evident that lecithin granules can be used if someone wants to lose weight. These not only help in controlling weight, but also help in proper functioning of other organs of the body. So if you are looking forward to get back into shape, lecithin granules should be your choice because these are safe, effective, and easily available.