The lemonade diet, made popular by celebrities such as Beyonce Knowles, has been tried and tested by many, with varying results. What are the expected results of the lemonade diet? Let’s find out.
What is popularly known as a master cleanse, the lemonade diet has been designed to eliminate all the harmful toxins in the body and kick start the process of weight loss among those who are overweight. It has also been said that the lemonade diet will help those who are suffering from prolonged illnesses by eliminating the toxins that add to the trouble caused by the illnesses.
However, before we understand anything about the diet, you should know that this is a highly restrictive diet and should never be followed without prior consultation with a doctor, and never to treat an illness because you don’t know what the effect of lemons will be on a body that is suffering from any kind of condition. Let’s see what this diet entails and what kind of results it has helped people achieve.
What does the Lemonade Diet Entail?
The lemonade or the master cleanse diet involves consuming a specially prepared lemonade drink for ten whole days, along with herbal laxative tea. You are not allowed to consume any solid food in the duration that you follow this diet. Further, you are also required to perform a salt water flush in the morning before you consume any of the drink. It is a tough diet to follow because it can cause some side effects, and only unless you are very healthy, and resilient can this diet actually benefit you.
The lemonade diet recipe requires you to mix two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of grade B organic maple syrup, half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and one cup or 8 ounces of purified or spring water (lukewarm). This is the drink you can keep sipping all day. You may prepare it in a large amount and consume it all day. You should not prepare an amount for more than one day. For the salt water flush, you are required to mix 2 level teaspoons of uniodized organic sea salt, and one quart of tap water thoroughly. Pour it in a water bottle and try to drink it at one go. Apart from these two drinks, you can have any type of herbal laxative tea in the nights.
The Results of the Lemonade Diet
By consuming the aforementioned drinks, you are expected to achieve the following results:
- The salt water flush is designed to increase the number of bowel movements you have in a day. You may get about 5-6 bowel movements in a day by trying this flush. Do not do the flush if you are prone to bloating or blood pressure problems.
- The lemonade helps eliminate harmful bacteria and toxins from the body, and is meant to make you feel more energized by the end of the diet. You are likely to desire eating less, and may feel like eating only healthy food. Your mind and body feel lighter and you are expected to attain better clarity of thought. You are also likely to lose 8-10 pounds while on this diet for about 2 weeks.
While these were the positive aspects of the diet, there are some side effects that you will have to endure in an effort to attain the aforementioned results. These include lightheadedness, stomach cramping (because you won’t be eating anything), dizziness, nausea (in some cases), lack of energy (you feel energized after you have eaten something when you complete the diet), and diarrhea.
Those who have made it through these ten days have found that they have benefited in more ways than one by following this diet. However, not many are able to make it through the first two to three days of the diet. More than anything, you need to have the will power to cleanse your body and kick start the weight loss process. Do remember that the lemonade diet has not been intended as a weight loss diet. In fact, this diet will help rid your body of the excess water weight that it has retained. If you wish to burn fat, you should follow a suitable exercise program with a healthy diet. Do not attempt any exercise while on this diet as it may make you much weaker. Also, try to follow this diet when you are at home, and not while working.
While most of the reviews have been positive, as mentioned earlier, you cannot and should not start this diet without consulting your doctor. A diet that is intended to have you feel better after you complete it may in fact turn out to be more dangerous for you, if your body is unable to take it.
Disclaimer: This article has been written based on user reviews. The results may vary from individual to individual based on body type, metabolism, and tolerance levels for such a restrictive diet.