There are several detoxification diet plans ranging from 1 day diet plan to the plan of 7 days. To make it a successful attempt, it is extremely important to be a stringent follower of the prescribed diet. To help you ease your 7 day dieting period, this NutriNeat article presents a few guidelines on, which foods to be included in your diet on each day.
The process of cleansing the body through removal of accumulated harmful chemicals is termed as detoxification or detox. In a detox diet, emphasis is laid on increased water intake. Fruits and other heavy foods are gradually introduced in the diet.
The detox diet programs are recommended after overeating for a long period. Overeating and consumption of junk food leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These diet programs are considered to be helpful in such cases. The 7 day diet plan mentioned below is one such program, which is useful in cleansing the body and also in weight loss.
Seven Day Detox Diet
This diet not only makes you feel lighter, but also enhances the immune strength. A glowing skin is an added benefit of the detox program. It is advised to follow this diet 2-3 times in a year, however, one should avoid overdoing it.
Day 1
On the first day of the diet, one should drink only water. It will help in flushing the toxins out of the body in lesser time. For those, who are not comfortable with just water intake, adding lemon juice to warm water is recommended. People who are not used to fasting, may find even the diet of lemon juice + water to be quite restrictive. They could include fruit and vegetable juices in their diet. Spice tea or herbal tea can also be used in the diet.
Day 2
For the second day, a liquid diet and fruits are recommended. Most fruits possess juices that are alkaline in nature. Acidic waste can therefore be neutralized with the help of fruits. High fibers present in fruits aid the process of detoxification by acting as laxatives. The first 2 days of the detox programs could be difficult for a beginner; however, if the diet is followed strictly, it gives good results.
Day 3
Sprouted seeds should be included in the diet for day 3. Vegetables used in the preparation of salads are also known to be excellent detoxifying foods. Raw garlic helps in cleansing the blood. Thus, it should be consumed with other vegetables like the watercress, fennel, parsley, etc. Sulfur and beta carotene present in watercress act as a tonic for liver, while fennel prevents flatulence and improves digestion. Parsley allows proper functioning of the liver and acts as a mild diuretic.
Day 4
The diet for the fourth day should be made a little bit heavier by adding brown rice and cooked vegetables. However, the vegetables shouldn’t be over-cooked. The reason behind brown rice being recommended is, that its absorption is much easier and the high fiber content facilitates digestion. The vegetables such as beetroot and leeks (garlic and onion) should be included in the diet. The toxic metals present in the body are removed by the consumption of onion and garlic. This is because the sulfur compounds bind themselves to these toxicants and ease the process of their removal from the body.
Day 5
On the fifth day, lentils, beans, and nuts need to be added to the diet of rice. The starch (rice) and proteins (all the pulses) should to be eaten with a certain interval. Mixing them together would only slow down the digestion process. The different types of nuts provide the body with essential fatty acids.
Day 6
The grains are introduced on the sixth day. One should only consume whole grains, which aid the process of peristalsis (due to high fiber content) and help in tracing minerals, which are necessary for the liver to function properly. Yogurt should be included in the diet, in order to facilitate the process of digestion. Yogurt prepared from sheep’s or goat’s milk is preferred over the cow’s, since it is easy to digest.
Day 7
By the seventh day of the diet program, the body becomes sensitive enough to understand its exact needs. One can include the foods, which have been excluded during the past six days. However, there shouldn’t be a hurry to eat all the foods, one has not consumed during the program.