While eating fruits is generally recommended as a part of healthy diet, you need to be careful about the acidity of fruits to avoid any health hazards of over-acidity.
Our body constantly struggles to find the balance between acids and alkalies. Normal pH balance in the body is anywhere between 6.8 to 7.8. Since, there are many chemicals in the body, it is imperative that the body maintains an ideal pH balance. Blood is slightly alkaline with pH between 7.35 – 7.45. Since, the human body constitutes 70% of water with a neutral pH of 7, most of the pH balancing is done through the foods we eat. In this article we are going to study the acidity in fruits, but before that let us know the implications of acidity in fruits on our body.
Implications of Acidity in Fruits
Fruits contain natural acids such as citrus acid, oxalate acid etc. When consumed in moderation the acids in fruits can be actually beneficial for you. However, most of our diet these days comprises acidic foods which produce various acids upon entering our bodies. This causes imbalance of body pH and may give rise to several diseases. If in addition to these foods, you happen to consume high acidity fruits, your body pH will be further thrown out of balance. Hence, it is recommended that you know about acidity in fruits, so that you can consume only those fruits which are good to your body.
Fruits and Their Corresponding Acidity
We have compiled a list of fruits according to their acidity. The titratable acidity of fruits in this list was found after volumetric analysis. Hence, we have categorized them according to the volume of acid present in them.
Acid Fruits
Fruit | Acid Volume |
Grapefruit | 39 |
Cranberries | 37 |
Pineapples | 22 |
Strawberries | 18 |
Sub-acid Fruits
Fruit | Acid Volume |
Raspberries | 16 |
Plums | 14 |
Cherries | 13 |
Peaches | 12 |
Blackberries | 12 |
Apples | 11 |
Non-acid or Alkaline
Fruit | Acid Volume |
Grapes | 8 |
Prunes | 7 |
Raisins | 6 |
Bananas | 6 |
Persimmons | 4 |
Figs | 4 |
Pears | 3 |
Dates | 3 |
Although acidity of citrus fruits is high, they should be consumed for their immune boosting properties. Oranges are the best acid fruits you can consume while cranberries are the most unhealthy of all, as far as acidity in fruits is concerned.
Fruit Acidity and Canning
Apart from the health reasons, knowing the acidity of fruits is also crucial from the point of view of canning. Adding acetic acid, citric acid, vinegar or similar preservative during canning is a common practice. If you know the acidity of fruits in advance, you can easily control the amount of preservative to be added. In fact, some fruits may not need any preservatives at all. However, some acidic fruits like tomatoes, need acid while canning or preserving. But this is an exceptional case.
How to Measure Acidity in Fruits
A simple exercise at home can enable you to find acidity in fruits. For this, you will need a pH paper with a pH scale and corresponding colors at the back. Take any fruit of your choice and wash it thoroughly. Cut it in half using a sharp kitchen knife. Take the pH paper and press it along the cut side of the fruit. Note the change in the color of the pH paper. Match it with the color at the back of the pH paper. Find out the pH scale for the corresponding color. This is the acidity of your fruit.
Thus, acidity of fruits plays a vital role in health as well as canning industry. The next time someone advises you to eat lots of fresh fruits, do not follow it blindly. Instead know the pH of your fruits and balance them properly to get maximum health benefits.