Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder where individuals, especially girls, have a distorted image of themselves, and they see themselves as being fatter than they actually are. This leads to self-imposed indiscriminate starving to lose weight. Check out the article below to know about it.
The rat race for getting that desired and longed-for size zero or slim figure does not get uglier than this. With maximum number of women hitting the gym and dieting, those who do not have that perfect figure, and those who are not striving for it, might feel a bit left out. The thought that they are plump or overweight might weigh heavily on their minds, and they might resort to adopting wrong tactics for losing weight. Some of them may accept the fact gracefully, while others may not. Young girls who cannot accept it, could develop a psychological disorder called anorexia nervosa. This is a psychiatric illness that results in an eating disorder, featuring extraordinarily low body weight and body image distortion. This is accompanied by an irrational and obsessive fear of weight gain. People going through anorexia tend to resort to all possible methods of losing weight from too much of exercise, to diet pills, to diuretic drugs. If not kept in check at the onset, it could be detrimental.
Diet Plan
Start Off
Once the person has accepted that he or she has an eating disorder, it becomes a lot easier to carry out disaster management. As a result, the first thing one needs to focus on is weight gain of an anorexic individual. For weight gain, commence with increasing the number of calories gradually. Concentrating on high-protein meals will further contribute in regaining your bone and muscle strength. Bone and muscle buildup will, in turn, lead to gain in weight. Ensure that your diet is balanced, and to make up for any missing essential vitamins, opt for vitamin supplements, specially vitamin B. Finally, cut down on your exercise regime such that it lasts for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
They are a great source of vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. They also possess biochemicals that are essential for the proper functioning of our biological system. Hence, the diet plan should have a heavy dose of fruits and vegetables. Not only are they good for our body, but they also taste good. Their incorporation into the diet will help in repairing the body from the damage caused by anorexia. They are also low on calories; therefore, there is no excessive weight gain associated with eating fruits and vegetables.
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Go for a lean source of protein such as tenderloin or chicken breasts, as they are less fatty. In addition to this, prepare the source of protein, be it pulses or eggs, in a way that it does not have any impact on the overall fat content of the food. Protein is extremely crucial in reinstating a lot of muscle tissue and muscle tone.
Fiber and Carbohydrates
Some amount of fiber is needed for the regulation of bowel movements. This would be obtained from salads, some grains, and a few other foodstuffs. Another thing which is necessary is carbohydrates. Our body needs a specific amount of carbohydrates to keep us going. So, to fulfill that requirement, eat whole grains that are minimally processed, including rice and ground oats. This will serve in nourishing the body as well as in the recovery of the digestive system.
These were a few diet-related pointers for anorexics. If you ask us, don’t worry about your weight, just eat healthy, exercise regularly, and don’t take shortcuts to lose weight. Here is where we sign off. Stay fit, stay healthy!