Are you looking for diet pills as a last resort of weight loss? Here is an account of best appetite suppressant diet pills.
A balanced diet and regular exercise is the key to healthy well-being. Unfortunately, this key does not always open the doors to a lean and fit physique. Some people simply cannot lose an ounce, no matter what they eat, or how rigorously they exercise. Such people have to resort to other methods of weight loss, albeit unnatural. Diet pills are a popular technique of losing weight amongst people for whom diet and exercises cease to work. In reality, these pills are nothing but appetite suppressants, which help you to cut down on your food intake.
How Do Appetite Suppressants Work
To understand how appetite suppressants work, you need a thorough understanding of how the neurochemicals work. These are the chemicals that are at work when you feel hungry, as well as when you feel satisfied after eating. Hunger pangs are controlled by two neurochemicals, namely, serotonin and noradrenaline. When the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline drop, you experience hanger pangs. When you consume food, the levels of these two neurochemicals begin to rise. When they reach an optimum level, you experience a feeling of satisfaction. This feeling stays for some time, as the levels are maintained at optimum level. However, after some time, the levels begin to drop and the natural appetite also returns.
Appetite suppressant pills artificially elevate the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline, so that the body is under the impression that it has been nourished. They become active inside the body for a longer time. As a result, the person gets fewer hunger pangs. The need to snack between meals is also diminished. In fact, some people have even reported that they completely lose their appetite while they are on these pills.
Diet Pills
There are several diet pills available in the market. However, it is not safe to consume these pills in inordinate amounts, and without consulting a medical practitioner. Although some of them are available over the counter, it is still recommended that you take them under medical supervision. Those obtained upon prescription are a safer option, since your doctor will advise you regarding the possible side effects beforehand. Moreover, the doctor may assess your individual physical condition, and only then decide if you are a candidate for such pills or not. We have shortlisted a couple of pills which have scored over others. They are as follows:
» Reductil
Sibutramine is the active compound in this product. Sibutramine interferes with serotonin and noradrenaline in a way, as explained above. It is available only upon producing a valid prescription from an authorized medical practitioner.
» UniqueHoodia
Hoodia diet pills are made from the extract of Hoodia Gordonii, a cactus species found in South Africa. The tribal people in Kalahari desert used to chew the root of this plant to keep the hunger away. This plant would help them keep going, since the food was scarce and the journeys, often long.
Side Effects
Anything that interferes with the natural mechanism of the body is bound to produce undesirable side effects sooner or later. Obviously, appetite suppressants are no exception. Headaches, nausea, rapid heart rate, and depression are some of the common side effects of these pills. They may also cause irritability and mood swings. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children should stay away from these diet pills. Similarly, individuals on certain other medications are also advised against the consumption of these pills.
Appetite suppressants should only be seen as the last resort to weight loss. Do not give up diet and exercise and rely on these pills to work.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.