Let’s take a look at the concept of diet pills and some of the best diet pills that are currently popular among consumers. As a personal advise, I would recommend you to consult a physician or a dietitian before opting to consume any diet pill.
The idea that diet pills facilitate weight loss seems very attractive and has also given some good some questionable results in the past. Side effects are of course, important contributors to the shady reputation of diet pills. Any medically trained professional, would prescribe to you some ideal dosage which would prevent back effects, side effects and any negative effects of the drug. Diet pills are also known as appetite suppressants and anti-obesity medication. It is also recommended that one uses a diet pill which has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States.
Diet Pills and How they Work
Diet pills, are artificial chemicals, alien to the body, which upon entering the body tend to alter the mechanism of the entire digestive system or other systems, in such a manner that the appetite of the person is suppressed, rather the person does not feel like eating or feels like eating less. Alternatively, diet pills also tend to have certain functions such as acceleration of metabolism, or slowing down of the digestion process. On the whole it alters the digestion process.
Based upon their functions, diet pills are divided into 3 categories.
- The first ones are appetite suppressants, that is the one’s that predominantly affect our nervous system, due to which we simply do feel hungry. These diet pills simply fool our brain.
- The second type of such pill is the one’s that boosts metabolism of the human body. This diet pill simply burns away all the nutrition that has not been used by the human body.
- The third kind of diet pill basically alters the absorption of nutrients by the human body. In such a case, the drug prevents the body from absorbing fats or some other nutrients.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided some very strict guidelines and benchmarks for diet pill production as most of the diet pills, have some or the other side effect. Sometimes though not visible immediately, these side effects tend affect the human body in some or the other manner. Hence to avoid adverse effects on the pill consumers, a dosage time limit is usually prescribed for most of the diet pills. Administering or consuming the pills beyond limit is not just advisable, but there is also a possibility that such pills may harm your health.
The medical practitioners also prescribe such pills only in cases where the weight loss and obesity loss is urgent and patent’s health and well-being depends on it. Most of these pills are usually FDA approved appetite suppressants and diet pills.
List of the Best Diet Pills
Here is a list of some of the best diets pills on the market. One important thing about which I would like you to remind about is that, please, please get the pills properly prescribed from medical professional and remain under the supervision till the dosage continues. There is always a chance that our body might get irreparably damaged as a result of unsupervised intake.
- The first diet pill which I would like to enlist is Phentermine. This drug has been approved by the FDA in 1959. The basic mechanism of Phentermine, is that it acts on the human brain and nervous system and curbs down the feeling of hunger. This is a prescription drug and has a range of side effects that include, insomnia, hypertension, heartburn, and many more, if the drug is consumed in an uncontrolled manner. Apart from preventing hunger pangs, these diet pills also facilitate what is known as ‘break down of fat in cells’.
- A prominent example of the diet pill which prevents nutrient absorption is Xenical. This diet pill prevents the digestive system from absorbing about 30% of fat from your diet intake. Approved in 1999 by the FDA, it still remains a popular drug for obesity and weight loss. There are some side effects such as oily bowel movement and stool, or even prevention of absorption of vitamins.
- Another example of FDA approved diet pills, which helps in weight loss, is Meridia. It acts on the brain and nervous system, and decrease the feeling of hunger and appetite. This drug, if misused tends to lead to some really serious side effects such as insomnia, constipation, dry mouth, headaches and high blood pressure. Even though these pills are FDA approved, strict control over dosage needs to be exercised.
Maintaining the proper dosage, and also a proper diet and exercise only make these medications and drugs work properly. Apart from that, most of these drugs are prescription drugs.