With children having issues with the taste of almost everything that is healthy and nutritious, Chyawanprash is here to bring a better appetite for the tummies, a strength in their overall health and a smile on their face!
Wondering if there is anything your child will ever enjoy having for breakfast on regular basis? Chyawanprash is the solution to your doubt. Kids over 3 years of age definitely enjoy this traditional Indian jam because of its mouth-watering taste and exceptional flavor.
Its ingredients such as Amla, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, holy Basil, etc. are Ayurvedic herbs and medicines having innumerable health benefits. When the extracts of these herbs are mixed with jaggery, ghee, sesame oil and honey in the right proportion give a healthy and immunity fortifying jam.
The sweet-and-sour Amla is the base ingredient of Chyawanprash. Long pepper fruit gives it a spicy tinge whereas the heartwood of red sandalwood gives it a funny bitter taste. Moreover, the Malbar tree leaf adds its spinach-like taste to this jam and makes the kids strong like Popeye.
Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Bacopa leaf, together add the bitter-sweet flavor to this wonderful and delicious Ayurvedic formulation.
It’s Also Yummy….
Now you must be wondering how can Chyawanprash taste so yummy with all this? The secret is its ingredients such as the raisin fruit, golden apple fruit, jaggery, ghee made from Indian cow milk and raw honey. Additionally, holy Basil leaf, ginger, cinnamon bark, saffron stigma, and wild cardamom seeds also enhance the flavor making it tastier.
Nutritional Value
That was about the taste. Now, let’s talk about the nutritional value of Chyawanprash. This is an ancient Indian formulation, known to boost the immunity and increase vitality. It also ensures a regulated supply of oxygen and blood to the brain, the most important organ of the human body.
Chyawanprash acts as a catalyst in developing the brain cells, ensuring good memory and enhanced learning abilities.
Several other ingredients such as licorice stem, Phyllanthus whole plant, Zedoary Rhizome, Kudzu root, Arjuna bark, Chebulic myrobalan fruit, sacred lotus seed, Neem leaf, Tribulus fruit, Indian Tinospora stem, nut grass whole plant, Leptadenia leaf, Boerhavia root, and Mesua flower are mixed to fortify this Indian jam, a powerhouse of nutrition.
Strong Kids…
The vitamins and other nutrients together have a direct positive impact at the cellular level and improve metabolism. A healthy and strong metabolism is one of the most important factors that influence the overall development of a child. Also, this miraculous formulation provides necessary vitamins to the bones and the teeth to make them stronger.
Chyawanprash is a tonic for the mind, body and consciousness. It improves the functionality of the integumentary, muscular, skeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and the endocrine systems of the body.
It definitely assists in developing abilities such as acquiring social skills, cognitive skills, thinking skills, decision-making skills, and the ability to concentrate that are essential to grow up, become a strong, healthy and brilliant individual.
Regular consumption of this ancient marvel keeps children revitalized and in a good health, which is necessary for an overall development including academics as well as extra curricular activities. PIOR Living Chyawanprash is made using 100% green techniques. It is the only one that does not use emulsifiers which make it even safer for consumption.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for entertainment and reference purposes only, and is not meant to serve as actual medical information. For advice about any of the illnesses listed, please visit a qualified physician.