What are the advantages and disadvantages of following a cabbage soup diet? Here is something that will help you decide…
Like many quick fix weight loss diets, the cabbage soup has found many takers. Men and women opt for this as the way to lose weight quickly. But does this really work? Let us see the reviews of this plan; but first the seven-day cabbage soup diet plan.
A cabbage soup diet plan is a seven-day plan. In this, a person can have cabbage soup as many times in a day as he wants. Drinking seven to eight glasses of water every day is mandatory.
Day 1
On the first day, with the soup, you are allowed to eat as many fruits as you want, except for bananas. For beverages, you can take black coffee, unsweetened tea, and cranberry juice.
Day 2
On the second day, apart from the soup, you can eat as many vegetables as you want, and that too in any form, i.e., cooked or raw. Preferably, eating green leafy vegetables would be advisable. In the night, eat a baked potato with a teaspoon of butter.
Day 3
On the third day, with the soup, eat any amount of fruits as well as vegetables.
Day 4
For the fourth day, besides the soup, eat eight bananas as well as drink any amount of skimmed milk that you want. The philosophy behind the fourth day’s diet is that it will lessen your desire to eat sweets.
Day 5
On this day, eat six fresh tomatoes and around twenty ounces of beef, besides the soup. If you do not eat beef, you can replace it with baked chicken which has no skin on it.
Day 6
On the sixth day, eat as much beef as well as vegetables as you want, except for potatoes. Soup, as usual, you can have any number of times in a day.
Day 7
On the last day, eat brown rice and vegetables, as well as take unsweetened fruit juices as beverages.
Looking at the various results, the following review of this diet plan has been prepared, listing both its pros and cons.
If you look at the entire cabbage soup diet plan, you will see that it lacks substantially in the essential nutrients required for the body. Although it does guarantee quick weight loss, it’s weight loss in an unhealthy manner. It lacks in minerals and vitamins which are an essential requirement for a healthy body.
Another drawback is that there is no guarantee for how long the weight loss results will last. So, in short, it can be said that this diet plan, just like any fad diet, is beneficial for the short run. Also, a cabbage soup diet is not without its side effects. Some of the side effects are flatulence, indigestion, dizziness, and fatigue.
One more drawback is that the soup, which is the main focus in this diet plan, is not directly responsible for weight loss, as it does not have anything valuable in it which causes weight loss. Lastly, you will find that people find it very monotonous, and thus, it fails to be a consistent weight loss plan for long.
One of its main benefits is that this diet is very easy to follow. Anybody can follow through, as it provides the advantage of not being very complicated with preparations.
Another advantage is that the food ingredients for this diet plan are very affordable. That’s why, anybody and everybody can follow the cabbage soup diet, without spending much. Lastly, the cabbage soup, which is the primary food item, does not add any calories.
One can conclude that there are both advantages as well as disadvantages of following this diet plan. So, in the end, it is suggested that taking a multivitamin pill everyday to ensure that the body does not lack in any of the nutrients while following this diet, adding spices to the soup so that it does not seem bland, and making up your mind that you need to continue this diet only for seven days, are some of the things that you can do to utilize as the diet’s advantages.
Disclaimer: This NutriNeat article is for informative purposes only. Please consult your physician or nutritionist before starting any diet plan.