Cabbage soup diet is supposed to be the fastest working diet plan to shed those extra pounds that you may have gained. However, along with the benefits, this diet plan also has its own set of side effects. This NutriNeat article attempts to make you aware about those possible side effects, take a look.
Cabbage soup diet is a program designed for quick weight loss. It is also known as the ‘miracle soup’. Combining cabbage soup with some other low-calorie foods, is the core of this diet plan. It is a seven-day plan including a list of foods to be eaten on each day of the week. The diet plan promises 10 pounds weight loss in a week, and that is what attracts a lot of people towards it. People, who want to lose weight, opt for different diet recipes that fall under this plan, and try to follow it stringently. However, many are unaware of the adverse effects that it may cause to their body. Take a look at these negative effects in the following sections.
Side Effects
The cabbage soup diet plan was criticized by many scientists. They claim the weight loss through this plan to be mainly ‘water weight’ loss and not fat loss, and thus, it is just temporary. Moreover, there are several adverse effects of this diet on the health of a person.
This is the most common side effect, and can be highly embarrassing at times. Cabbage soup is hard on the digestive system, which causes the unavoidable gas. The high fiber may not always be stomach friendly. It may also lead to stomach cramps.
As the whole idea of this weight loss diet is to consume lesser calories and fat, a person on this diet may experience low energy levels. It also affects the concentration and creativity of a person, and may cause mood swings. Weakness and fatigue are some of the common side effects of this diet. The diet should not be continued for a very long time, as it may lead to severe imbalance of nutrients in the body.
This soup diet causes dizziness and headaches in many people. It lacks proteins and has low carbohydrates, which may lead to such problems. It makes one feel lightheaded and dizzy. It is also known to trigger migraines in some people.
Cabbage soup is very good for cleansing the body system. It works as a detoxifier, and removes all the toxins and unnecessary substances from the body. However, prolonged intake of the soup can lead to considerable loss of water from the body, which in turn, may cause diarrhea.
Other mild negative effects include, discoloration around the eyes, muscle reduction, nausea, reduction in basic metabolic rate, etc. Another demerit of this diet is the bland taste of the soup. It is depressing to drink the same soup for seven days a week. Moreover, if it is extended for too long, the side effects may intensify, and the condition may worsen. It is not considered as a balanced diet, as it does not provide all the essential nutrients to the body. As a result, it affects the overall health of a person, making him weak.
If you are planning to go for the aforementioned diet plan, make sure, you keep the above things in mind. And, if you are already on this diet and have started experiencing any of these side effects, consult your doctor right away.