If you guys are wondering which casein protein powder is best in the market, or what kind of reviews it has got, as well as its side effects, this article is for you all. Others who are looking for a weight loss program using the same, can also scroll down to see.
It’s needless to write about the uses of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our daily diet. We all know how useful they are. And if you gals are surprised to see guys build hot bodies and physiques in a very short time span, relax, it’s all thanks to those protein shakes for muscle building, especially casein protein powder shakes! Obviously, hardcore workouts are a part of it, but they are always supplemented with the extra protein intakes.
Casein is a protein which we all consume, directly or indirectly, since it forms 80% of milk protein. It’s obvious that it forms an integral part of all the dairy products, for instance, butter or cheese which we consume on a frequent basis. Concentrating on its scientific use, proteins are made up of amino acids, which form the backbone of all the cells and cell products. They are a good source of energy when needed to breakdown. Talking about casein, it’s a very slow-acting protein.
When consumed, the time taken to get absorbed in the blood vessels and body tissues range to about 7 hours, which is the longest as compared to other protein powders, like whey protein. It releases amino acids very slowly in the body, and thus can be utilized very efficiently. Also, it retains the highest glutamine contents in the muscles which are mostly required by bodybuilders and weightlifters. It is said to enhance the immune system as well. Its use in preservation of muscle mass makes it the most popular protein.
Reviews have suggested and almost proved that Optimum Nutrition: 100% is the best brand to buy in town; the reason being that it is digested very slowly. 24 gms casein in each serve, low carbohydrate, and high glutamine content, add to its popularity. People of all age groups, all over the world, who have used it, have ‘liked’ it and rated it in the top 5 protein powders. The only major drawback of it, being its taste; rather no taste! But as substitutes, you can always go in for the various flavors in which its available; the chocolate supreme being the most popular amongst them. If you are worried about its price, its pretty economical. And cost should not be the matter of concern, if it’s highly effective!
An interesting fact about casein protein powder is its use in weight loss! People who are lethargic and who are tired of following n-number of weight loss programs, have a ray of hope now. As I mentioned above, it not only helps in muscle preservation, but also helps reduce excess fat facilitating its breakdown. It will avoid burning the muscle mass and instead, burn the extra fat. Its best to have it at night before going to bed, as it is the longest food gap which we have in a day and it also helps overcome food hunger.
Side Effects
The side effects are allergies rashes, hives, bloats, discomforts, and anaphylaxis; anaphylaxis could be life-threatening. Side effects could also lead to food cravings due to release of opiate in the intestine, when the protein is digested completely. Individuals showing such symptoms should stop consuming it before it gets too severe.
To sum up, I would say, consume casein protein powder according to your need. Avoid overdoing it, though. It’s your luck if it suits your body metabolism!