There are many reviews that will help you understand whether detox drops are for you or not. Read on, for some reviews…
Many people nowadays are out to look for different ways to lose weight fast. Also, for those who are relatively fit, due to the constant consumption of refined foods in our daily diet, there is a need to look for regular detoxification of our bodies. This is the reason why detox diets and detox supplements are such a rage. One such option of detox supplements includes detox drops. They claim to help in getting rid of the toxins present in the body and thus, not only help in cleansing our body but also help in losing weight. Given below are details on detox drops reviews that will help you decide on their efficacy and whether or not they are worth the attention that they are garnering.
Pros and Cons
Before we go onto reviewing various detox supplements, including HCG detox drops, let us first try to understand how these drops claim to work. Those that are available in the market normally contain ingredients such as Dandelion and Fennel, which are natural herbs. These herbs supposedly help to enhance the functioning of the kidneys, spleen, liver and the gastro-intestinal tract as a whole. Some of them are more specific in nature, acting only on the gastro-intestinal tract, that is, the colon. In such cases, the cleanse acts as a huge chunk of roughage and so, pushes out the plaque that forms in the intestine. This helps to clear out the digestive tract and also, to some extent, helps to lose some weight. Some of the detox drops claim to contain ingredients that help in ensuring that the healthy bacteria which are present in the gut thrive.
Many of the these drops that contain only natural herbal ingredients have mostly gotten positive reviews. These people claim that even if there wasn’t a significant amount of weight loss, there was a noticeable change in their bowel movements. It is understandable if people claim that the only effect that the detox drops had on their body was that of a complete cleansing of the digestive tract and not of any significant weight loss. This is because these drops alone cannot lead to weight loss. If people are going on a detox diet specially to lose weight, then this will have to be supplemented by a strict watch on one’s diet and a good exercise regimen.
Some detox drops also claim that besides detoxifying the body of any harmful chemicals that may be present, they also lead to a stronger immune system and an increase in the energy levels of a person. There are certain effects of a detoxification regime that one needs to be wary of though, like an increase in the urination rate. Most detox drops act as diuretics which cause flushing out of toxins by urination. Hence, if you are already on diuretics or have certain kidney problems, it is best to visit your doctor and only then go in for such diet supplements.
Thus, as is the case with most products and supplements, detox drops reviews are also mixed, with some people claiming that it works wonders for them and some people claiming that it hardly made any difference to their weight or even their overall health. Thus, in such cases, it is best to instead go in for homemade colon cleanse or detox procedures. These are detox diets that are safe, with no known side effects and they help in clearing the plaque plug that forms over time in the digestive tract. However, in the end, it is the user that is the best judge of what works for him and what doesn’t. Before taking any supplement though, it is best to ask your health care provider and only then take such supplements.