Does Hoodia work is a question faced by quite a few amongst us. It is no wonder with lots of conflicting views doing rounds about this pill. Take a look.
This is a diet and weight loss pill which can give any other weight loss pills a run for their money. When it comes to popularity, no one can beat it! Are you getting the drift? Well, yes, no prizes for guessing that I am without any hint of doubt talking about Hoodia diet pills and of course the whole barrage of weight loss products emanating from it. It has become amazingly popular in the recent past and quite a few amongst those who have used it swear by it. Basically, it seems from the looks of it that people are thrilled by the thought of losing weight and that too thanks to Hoodia gordonii.
How Does Hoodia Work?
To cut a long story short, Hoodia can trick your mind, as per scientific studies. When you usually eat, there is a significant increase in the glucose levels of your body. That gives an indication to the brain, the hypothalamus to be precise, that you are sufficiently full. What this molecule does is that it tricks your brain by imitating the glucose effect and sends a signal which says that the stomach is full, to the brain. This prevents the person from eating more.
Eventually, it results in losing weight. These diet pills primarily work to break our attachment with food. Studies have shown that even with relatively sedentary activities, the participants ate less per day and consumed less calories.
Does Hoodia Really Work?
Obviously enough, as is the case with anything under the sun, there is bound to be some disagreement and arguments in the discussion about Hoodia patch and its working. Let us see what makes it click and what may cause problems for it.
What Makes it Work
It makes you feel physically considerably less hungry and most importantly it kills the desire to eat more than required. Another opinion is that it will definitely work only when purest form of Hoodia gordonii is used. Some experts opine that people need to give it some time and take good enough amount and only then you can see the results. A genuine hoodia product, taken around 3 gms per day in consultation with an expert, shows that it works. Hoodia supposedly helps people make healthy eating choices by turning off their appetite.
The Problem Areas
One of the most important problem with Hoodia is that it may not be helpful for everyone. It also depends a great deal on what a person is expecting out of it. Unrealistic expectations can lead to the feeling that it is not effective. Apart from all this, there is this physiological Hoodia diet pills side effect – dehydration – as it tends to trick you into eating less and drinking less water. Another huge problem is fake and counterfeit products claiming to be pure Hoodia pills, which can be disastrous. That is good enough to make eyebrows raise over the issue of does it really work.
If you stick to the requisite dosage and take in the prescribed and pure form of Hoodia, it will work. But that again, is not 100% foolproof. In that all the talk about it being effective may turn out to be tall claims for you! At the end of the day, even if Hoodia does work, it is no match to your will power and determination to eat healthy, exercise and then have a great body!