Hoodia has been marketed as an appetite suppressant, but there’s a lack of evidence to prove whether it can actually facilitate weight loss. The following Buzzle write-up provides information on this dietary supplement.
Ever since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned diet pills which contained ephedra, the market was clamoring for a new miracle drug for weight loss. Hoodia came on the scene as a miracle herbal drug which claimed to suppress appetite. It came into limelight after a 60-minute television report. Its main ingredient is the extract from the Hoodia gordonii plant found in the deserts of Namibia and South Africa. According to the anthropologists who researched on the bushmen of Kalahari, the bushmen have long been using this plant to suppress their appetite on long hunts.
Pharmaceutical companies soon began research to find out if this plant can be used as a weight loss supplement. One scientific study was able to identify a molecule called P57, which seemed to be responsible for the plant’s ability to suppress appetite. It is believed that the molecules send a signal to the hypothalamus, which helps regulate appetite. It induces the feeling of fullness even when one has not eaten, thereby decreasing your desire to eat. Most overweight people are emotional eaters and such diet suppressants might work well for them.
Studies on the Effects of Hoodia
A study was conducted on obese volunteers by Phytopharm and Phizer. The study revealed that the volunteers who took the pill had around 1,000 calories per day, which was less than the calorie intake of those who did not take the supplement. Certain animal studies also confirmed the appetite suppressant activity of this plant.
However, pharmaceutical firm Phizer dropped out of the project on account of the non-feasibility of this project. Their reason for opting out was that this plant grows in the wild, and takes years to mature.
The active ingredient is hard to find, which raises questions on the credibility of various brands that claim that their diet pills contain the P57 molecule. There’s a lack of evidence to prove that these pills actually contain the active ingredient that is responsible for suppressing appetite.
Moreover, some studies revealed that this pill had no effect on people who did strenuous exercises. It was not able to suppress food cravings in people who followed a workout routine.
Companies who market the diet pills and patches, claim that the molecule is about 10,000 times stronger than glucose. However, there are no conclusive studies which indicate that Hoodia works for weight loss.
Side Effects
Just as the effectiveness of the Hoodia appetite suppressant pills is not clinically proven, there’s a lack of evidence on the side effects. However, it is believed that the abuse of these pills can have negative effects on a person’s health. Taking pills might suppress thirst, which could be detrimental to one’s health.
Metabolism of Hoodia is also not known and there is a possibility that the pills could cause liver damage. Other side effects include diarrhea and stomach cramps, which can be very unpleasant.
Though there’s a lack of scientific evidence regarding the safety and effectiveness of this pill, people who are desperately seeking a quick fix for their weight problems tend to try anything that comes their way. However, they need to understand that taking appetite suppressants is certainly not a healthy option. It’s advisable to follow a healthy diet and an exercise regimen to lose weight, rather than depend on drugs that may harm you in the long run.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.