To compile a complete fad diet list with all possible fad diets is cumbersome, simply because the list is so extensive. From simple vegetable soup to the craziest cigarette or cotton ball diet, all kinds of fad diets exist today.
Fad diets are those diets that promise unrealistic weight loss in just a short period of time. Considered unhealthy by health professionals, these fad diets are diets with strict guidelines regarding the amount of calorie intake. The scores of weird fad diets present today gives us an idea of what length to which people can go to lose weight. The desperation to look slim is so great that the obsession blinds people from logical and rational thinking. Let’s have a look at the fad diet list to understand the different kinds of diet plans existing across the globe today!
List of Fad Diets
While we are aware of some common crash diets like the tuna diet, chicken soup diet, 12 day grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet, etc. there are some really weird fad diets. If you think only vegetables and fruits are part of fad diets, think again!
Chocolate Diet
Of all the things, who expected chocolate to be included in the fad diet list. However, the chocolate diet plan is gaining popularity across the globe. Created by Sally Ann Voak, a British diet author and editor, who touts to keep a person slim without giving up chocolate. It is also accompanied with pasta and popcorn, thus, often called pasta-popcorn-chocolate diet. The corn and pasta are supposed to give you the required nutrients. The limited amount of chocolate (one ounce) allowed on this diet is supposed to satiate chocolate cravings, however, how chocolate is supposed to burn fat or assist weight loss is still a mystery!
Ice-Cream Diet
This three-day diet plan is supposed to help lose 6 pounds. It allows women to have three (tennis-ball-sized) scoops and men four (tennis-ball-sized) scoops of ice-cream during these three days. The concept behind adding ice-cream in this diet plan, is because of the calcium it contains. It is based on the study that people who consume more calcium lose more weight. Besides ice-cream, a person is allowed to have fruits, vegetables and homemade vegetable soup. The calorie intake is controlled strictly and the person loses weight. However, the minute the person switches back to his or her normal diet routine, the weight lost is regained.
Baby Food Diet
This diet plan involves substituting two or three adult meals a day. Since baby food contains low calories, by eating baby food one is actually restricting one’s calorie intake, thereby losing weight in the next couple of days. Baby food does contain vitamins, however, it’s not adequate for an adult’s nutritional demands. It may make a healthy snack, however, it cannot meet an adult’s daily nutritional requirement. Moreover, by consuming baby food, one loses the fun of textures and crunch! Don’t forget taste!
Tapeworm Diet
If there is any disgusting fad diet, it’s got to be the tapeworm diet. It’s simply gross! It involves ingesting beef tapeworm eggs and allow them to grow in your intestines. They grow and feed on all the consumed food. Since the tapeworm consumes all the food, you gain no weight and eventually lose weight. Then, the person takes medicine and has the tapeworm killed. This diet plan involves having a parasite living in one’s intestines. How unhealthy can it get!
Some More Fad Diets
- Potato Chip Diet
- Salad Diet
- Cookie Diet
- Popcorn Diet
- Candy Diet
- Air Diet
- Pizza Diet
- HCG Diet
- Twinkie Diet
- Cotton Ball Diet
- Maple Syrup Diet
- Coconut Diet
- Magnetic Diet
- Master Cleanse Diet
- Amazing Peanut Butter Diet
- Negative Calorie Diet
- Mono Food Diet
- Blood Type Diet
- Caveman Diet
- Metabolism Diet
- Raw Food Diet
- Red Wine Diet
- Hollywood Diet
- Lemonade Diet
- One day Diet
- 1200 Calorie Diet
- Scarsdale Diet
- Russian Air Force Diet
- Chewing Diet
- Cigarette Diet
- Vinegar Diet
- Sleeping Beauty Diet
- 3 Day-Hot Dog Diet
Some of these diets seem outrageous, especially the cigarette diet, which states that smoking helps suppress appetite, thereby assisting in weight loss. People on this diet are definitely fooling themselves! The list mentioned above is just a small portion of all the existing crazy fad diets. It’s important to remember that all such crash diets are deleterious to health. They lack the necessary nutrients and basically starve the body. Moreover, after the diet period is over, one will begin to regain the weight, rendering all the efforts useless! Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise is the only way to lose weight safely!