They say that the kind of food you eat directly reflects the way you look. So if you find too many people with protruding lips, haunting eyes, and great looking skin, well then you are definitely viewing those who are lovers of fish.
Typical Facts
Fish is a good source of protein and essential amino acids. These proteins are rich in lysine and threonine, and supplement effectively with cereal proteins. Small fishes eaten along with bones are a rich source of calcium. The value of the edible portion depends upon its fat content and thus on the season. During the spawning season, the fat content may rise and the calorific value can increase. Studies have proven that eating fish decreases the chance of heart diseases, strengthens the immune system, and helps in improving the quality of your skin.
One of the most popular food items of the non-vegetarians, it’s light on the stomach and cooks fast. Nutritionally rich and tasty, fish vary in shape, size, color, skin, bone, and taste.
They contain protein and many other major nutrients. A staple food in many parts of India and Japan, they are most likely connected with brighter brains and sharper minds. The taste of fish, of course depends upon its origin. But irrespective of it being a salt-water or freshwater fish, its lovers swear by them. Unlike meat, fish is generally slimy and can be consumed in large doses without the heavy lethargic feeling that you might get from barbecued meat. Of course, a lot depends on your style of cooking, but if cooked well, it serves the dual purpose of health as well as taste.
The reason why fish is so popular is thanks to their omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are essential for the healthy development of eyes and the brain. A rich source of long chain n-3 Pufa, fish largely helps in providing several health benefits.
N-3 Pufa is typically used in the treatment of hyper-triglyceridaemia, thrombosis, and inflammatory diseases. Thyroid conditions are largely treated either with fish or its not-so-great vegetarian option, the eggplant. Oily fish such as Mackerel and Trout have been shown to relieve some symptoms of psoriasis. This may be due to the omega 3 fatty acids or to the large amounts of vitamin D present in it.
Fish Oils
It is understood that those who consume fish on a regular basis do not have mineral deficiencies. Interestingly, fish is the only food that contains minerals like copper, and vitamins A and D. Shark, cod, and halibut liver oil are rich in these nutrients. Fish oil extracted from the liver is deodorized with vitamin E, and antioxidants are added to prevent it from going rancid.
Two teaspoons of cod liver oil provide about 1200 mg of vitamin A, 20 mg of vitamin D and about 2 grams of omega 3 fatty acids. Because of a high concentration of these vitamins, cod liver oil has been used to prevent and treat conditions such as xerophtalmia; an eye disease caused by vitamin A deficiency, and rickets, a bone disease caused by lack of vitamin D. Shark liver oil also contains squalene, which is utilized by the body to produce cholesterol. Glycerol, a substance present in shark liver oil may help prevent cervical cancer.
When fish is not cooked properly, it may lead to stomach upsets and skin rashes. This happens with many people frequently who are not habituated to cooking fish. Most people prefer fried fish, adding in more cholesterol than required. The danger of bones becoming caught in the throat is another disadvantage of consuming fish.