This article will provide you an insight on fish oil vitamin benefits, side effects, its proper dosage, and vegetarian substitute.
Fish oil vitamins are shiny yellow softgel capsules that are a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. These good fats have many important health benefits. These essential fatty acids are not easily found in vegetarian sources. Hence, these vitamins are a good source of these good fats for vegetarians as well as for people who have deficiencies of this nutrient. Though, there are many health benefits of this vitamin, there are some side effects one has to take into consideration too.
- Many studies report that intake of omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce blood pressure.
- There is a strong scientific evidence showing that fish oil greatly helps in reducing the triglycerides levels in blood.
- Many studies report that people with a history of heart attack have reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by regular consumption of fish oil, oily fish, or its vitamins.
- There are many studies that show that intake of fish oil prevents primary cardiovascular diseases, protects from cyclosporine toxicity in organ transplant patients, and improves morning stiffness and joint tenderness of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
- Though, the mostly proven studies show that it benefits for heart health, there are some studies that show that it also helps to reduce depression, Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, cancer, eczema, stoke, diabetes, etc.
- It not only helps to prevent many diseases, but also to maintain hair and skin health.
Side Effects
Mild side effects of these supplements are gastrointestinal distress, which can be belching with a fish aftertaste. Other side effects like nausea and loose oily stools are common side effects. One might also experience increased bruising.
Serious side effects of fish oil are very rarely experienced. However, if you are experiencing any serious side effects, then seek immediate medical help. Diabetics should be very careful while taking these supplements, because they can interfere with the glucose control or with the pre-existing medications. The supplements can increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. They might lead to decreased absorption of certain important vitamins in the body, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body.
Avoiding Side Effects
- To avoid any side effects the first step you can take is to minimize the dosage.
- To avoid belching or stomach upset try taking the capsules halfway through your meals.
- If you are allergic to fish, then avoid taking any such supplements, stick to the vegetarian or other sources of omega-3.
- Switching brands of the vitamin might also help.
- If you have a medical condition, then consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
Proper Dosage Amounts
- The World Health Organization and government health agencies of many nations recommend consuming 0.3 to 0.5 grams of daily EPA + DHA . This is the dosage for healthy adults, however people with any health condition should consult doctor for the adequate dosage.
- Omega-3 is added to certain infant formulas, but the adequate doses haven’t been established clearly yet. Consumption of fresh fish or fish oil supplements should be limited for young children, because there is a possibility of contaminants in the supplements. Hence, the vitamins for kids should only be used if they are prescribed by a physician.
Vegetarian Substitutes
There are many vegetarian food sources of omega-3, which can be used to increase the intake of these essential fatty acids. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Seeds like pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds also contain good amounts of omega-3.
Though, they are very good for maintaining health and preventing many diseases, there are some side effects associated with fish oil. So, consult your doctor before you take any such supplements.
Disclaimer: This NutriNeat article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.