Glutathione is a dietary supplement that has the benefits of antioxidants. It is naturally produced in the body. However, it has certain side effects, and those have been mentioned for you in the following NutriNeat article.
Glutathione is a protein that is made up of amino acids. It is essential for the detoxification process of the body. It binds the heavy metals and other toxins in the body, and excretes them through urine. It is helpful in protecting the body from various diseases and disorders. There are certain common conditions that are treated with this protein, like, inability to conceive, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cataracts, and cancers.
It is also beneficial for gout patients. It minimizes the person’s susceptibility to inflammatory reactions and swollen joints that are extremely painful. It is produced by the human body, and is also a dietary supplement. It has many beneficial medicinal values, and is an antioxidant that helps to protect the body cells from free radicals. The dietary glutathione is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, like, avocado, walnuts, and asparagus.
Its Importance
Glutathione is an essential component for proper functioning of cells in the human body. It is an antioxidant that is produced by the body itself. It is responsible for the Vitamin C or Vitamin E produced in the body. A steady and consistent supply of this protein is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and it is a major detoxification agent in the body. Its deficiency can lead to certain diseases. Some of the health disorders that are caused by its deficiency are, diabetes, liver diseases, low sperm count, respiratory diseases, and cataracts.
Side Effects
Glutathione is an antioxidant, and does not have any severe side effects. However, an overdose can have certain adverse effects on the overall health. It is very important that you consult a doctor before consuming its supplements. Especially, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume this supplement without consulting the doctor. Also, there is a lack of scientific evidence regarding its use for children. Hence, consult your family doctor before giving glutathione supplements to children.
Like many other supplements, glutathione must also be checked for allergic reactions. If anyone is allergic to it, he/she must stop the medication at once, and confer with the doctor about the allergy that has developed. Some of the side effects are hives, breathing problems, chest pain, tightness in the throat and chest, while breathing. Many people taking it for a longer period, suffer from zinc deficiency. However, no severe side effects are observed. It is an essential antioxidant that acts as a scavenger for the free radicals in the body.
The natural sources of this protein are safer than supplements. There are many other factors that are responsible for the increase in its production. The vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining its levels in the body, are vitamins B1, B2, C, and E, and folic acid, selenium, magnesium, and zinc. Out of these, many are antioxidants, and are responsible for utilizing the protein properly.
Whey protein isolate is responsible for maintaining and increasing its levels. Many researches show that glutathione that is consumed is not utilized by the body. There are certain pre-cursors that will help utilize it from the food. Two of the precursors are cysteine and glycine. These precursors are present in food items, like, eggs, walnut, garlic, broccoli, fish, and beans.
There are no severe side effects that are observed. It is recommended to consult the doctor before you plan to take any of its supplements.