The reviews on HCG diet reveal several interesting facts about this popular diet. Here’s what reviewers are saying about this diet.
People are always looking for different ways to lose weight. Obesity, which leads to several severe ailments like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, needs to be tackled way before it actually affects they body. But sometimes, this is not possible due to our hectic daily routines, which is the reason why a lot of us are always on the lookout for various quick weight loss diets that guarantee drastic results in a short span of time. The hCG diet is one such diet, which is followed by many dieters in order to lose weight. The effectiveness of this diet is somewhat exposed through the hCG diet reviews.
What is the hCG Diet?
hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is an important pregnancy hormone, which controls several body functions like the rate of metabolism, reproductive system, emotions, as well as body fat levels. This hormone is extracted from the urine of pregnant women, and is commonly used to treat sexual development problems in men, and reproductive problems in women.
In the 1950s, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons discovered a method of using hCG for weight loss. It was noticed that a liquid hCG diet with a combination of a low-calorie diet, could help lose weight. While hCG itself may not be a cause for weight loss, it is claimed that this hormone controls the body’s metabolism that slows down when a person consumes very few calories. As such, it makes a low-calorie diet work for weight loss. It is also believed that hCG enables fat and not muscle loss (which is usually the case with many low-calorie diets), from problem areas such as the hips, buttocks and abdomen.
According to Dr. Simeons, a person can lose up to 1.5 pounds in a single day, when he follows a course of 23 injections of the hCG hormone. Each injection contains about 125 IU of hCG. These hCG diet injections must be accompanied by a well-planned diet. Instead of hCG injections, one can also opt for hCG supplements or drops. hCG diet injections are administered along with a VLCD (very low-calorie diet). This means while on the hCG diet, the dieter is allowed to consume only 500 to 800 calories per day. During this diet, the dieter is asked to rely on organic foods and refrain from oily eats, fats, sugar, and starch.
Pros and Cons
The Positives
There is a large group of hCG diet plan followers out there. These are people who have immensely benefited from the hCG diet. People on the diet claim to have lost an average of 25-30 pounds within one month from starting on the diet. The diet plan is restricted to a period of 26 days, where the last three days of the diet are abstained from hCG use, to help one’s body lose traces of this before resuming a hCG free diet.
While most experts claim that such a highly restrictive diet is actually the reason for weight loss, and not the hCG drops/injections itself, dieters who have followed this plan have claimed that their metabolism or energy levels were not affected by the diet. Yes, they have faced trouble adhering to a 500 calorie diet initially, but they were able to overcome this by being disciplined and following the diet as per the original manuscript by Dr. Simeons, down to a tee. Moreover, they say that after the initial days of settling into the diet, they do not crave certain eatables like they used to. In short, they get accustomed to consuming fewer calories.
The Negatives
The positive reviews of this diet by some dieters cannot be used to overlook the dangers that such a diet can pose. On the downside, there are several dieters who have started practicing this diet, but failed miserably because of its side effects. Understand that not everybody’s system is designed to deal with such a restrictive diet. The make-up of everybody is different, and how this diet affects people may vary. While a majority of the reviews of this diet are positive, there are a few who are still trying to cope and recover from this, after experiencing the side effects.
Some of the side effects of the hCG injections that have been experienced are: nausea, water retention, hives, vomiting, dizziness, sudden weight gain, irregular urination (excess or reduced), breast tenderness in women, gynecomastia in men, Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), stomach cramps, pelvic pain, swollen hands and feet, confusion, and depression. Whether these side effects occur due to an overdose of the hCG supplement or due to the lack of sufficient nutrients, is unknown.
Factors to Take into Consideration Before Starting the Diet
To be able to start on the diet, it is important to oversee the following beforehand…
- One negative of this diet that cannot be overlooked even by those who have been successful with it, is that the body does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients it should.
- Moreover, it is a fact that the brain alone requires more than 500 calories everyday for its healthy function, which it does not get when you follow this diet.
- This diet should only be carried out in consultation with a health expert. In actuality, medical or slimming centers provide this diet plan and monitor your development over time. Ensure that you have consulted a recognized organization. The best step will be to consult your doctor and find out whether you can safely follow this diet or not.
- hCG has not been approved by the USFDA as a weight loss drug (it is in fact approved as a ‘fertility drug’). As such, no one can be held responsible if this hormone does not react in a positive way to your body. The injections for the same however, can be obtained legally; but their reliability cannot be guaranteed.
Whether you want to go ahead with this diet is ultimately your choice. Health experts claim that it is wiser to follow a healthy diet plan along with a good exercise regime in order to lose weight effectively. Hopefully these reviews have helped you decide whether or not you want to go for this diet.
Disclaimer: This article is based on the first-hand experience of people who have followed the hCG diet. This article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.