The buzz today is losing flab and staying healthy, and most of us use different means to shed that extra fat. There are several diet pills available in the market which help losing weight, of which Healthy Trim diet pills, also called Healthe Trim, is one.
These pills are made up of natural ingredients like extracts of green tea, Resveratrol, Chromium Picolinate, Caralluma Fimbriata, Hoodia Gordonii, Gymnema Sylvestre, Mulberry Leaf, Cumquat, Methionine, Water Plantain, Lotus Leaf, Cassia Seed, Coix Seed, and Poria Cocos. They are said to suppress appetite, and some of them are antioxidants, thereby helping in the weight loss process. It’s recommended that you take two capsules everyday, skip breakfast, and have two meals a day. Healthy Trim is actually the name of the pill, and is produced by Healthy Life Sciences. Even though this product has helped people lose weight, some people have reported certain side effects.
Side Effects
Health experts over the years questioned the effectiveness of diet pills, as there may be several risks associated with them in the long run. Consuming these pills no doubt reduces appetite, but it’s only as long as you take them. Once you stop taking them, there are chances that you will return to normal. Even though diet pills contain appetite suppressants, they may not necessarily work. It’s not necessary that people will eat only when they are hungry. There are times when we eat out of habit. And it’s mostly sweet and chocolate that we can’t resist. So if you eat them and at the same time have diet pills, it won’t work. Moreover, they contain several stimulants which boosts energy, thereby helping one to lose weight. But once that’s stopped, and if you don’t maintain a healthy eating regimen, you won’t remain the same slim person as you were a few days back.
Besides these doubts over the effectiveness, these drugs may have an adverse effects on the metabolism. While taking the Healthy Trim pills, you will not feel hungry as much as you used to feel, which means that you would be consuming less food. The body, over the years, has been accustomed to a certain way of living. So if you reduce the amount of food you take suddenly, it will also have to make the required changes, which can be stressful for the body. And the worst part is, when you stop taking them, the body may not be able to digest food the way it used to. This may result in some people putting on more weight.
There are mixed reviews on Healthy Trim. Some people say that it works, and they have had great results within a month of taking these weight loss pills. Appetite is suppressed to a great extent, and they don’t need to have food till lunch. For extremely overweight people, a diet pill like Healthy Trim may be an excellent option. However, there are other people who have had a bad experience with these pills. After taking the pill in the morning, some people have reported that instead of not feeling hungry, they feel more hungry. Moreover, there are also reports that people taking these pills feel jittery, and at times nauseous.
Healthy Trim Diet Supplement
Several experts say that the suggested plan while taking Healthy Trim pills does not match with the body’s requirements, and is not that healthy. The plan says that you need to skip breakfast and have light lunch and dinner. This means that the daily calorie intake is far less than required.
Whether to take Healthy Trim diet pills or not is up to you. If you are still not sure, consult your physician, who will be able to guide you better depending on your particular case history.