A diet rich in proteins should be followed by people who are into extensive muscle building activities. You shall get the right meal plan for muscle building from this article. Read on.
Muscle building involves expense of a great deal of energy, that needs to be replenished in some form. The energy input of your body should be high while following such a strenuous workout schedule. While performing these muscle building exercises there’s an increase in muscle mass of your body and the desired results are obtained by consumption of large amounts of protein. A diet rich in protein is utmost essential for body builders because insufficient protein in diet can hamper muscle growth.
High Protein Diet Plan
Protein is one of the most essential nutrients required by everybody. Amino acids, also known as the building blocks of body, aids in synthesis of proteins. Thus, taking supplements rich in amino acids actually bring out the desired effects. Protein plays a crucial role in regeneration and growth of muscles. Thus, you must ensure that your protein intake is enhanced from the foods you consume everyday.
Getting a stronger built is possible with these exercises and to get such a physique you need to restore the nitrogen balance inside your body which is possible only if there’s sufficient protein inside your body. So a high protein diet plan for building muscle mass needs to be formulated. Here are some ways to incorporate proteins in your diet in maximum amount.
- While doing muscle building exercises you need protein at a gap of 2-3 hours. This is possible by drinking protein shakes at frequent intervals. Numerous brands of protein shakes containing perfect combination of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are available in the market. You can check for whey protein shakes for this purpose. Drink a glass before and after one hour of exercise.
- Start your day by drinking 2 glasses of full cream milk and pastured eggs. Milk is rich in proteins and fat. Pastured eggs are preferred in a high protein diet because they contain much more amount of protein than regular eggs. Along with milk, have a bowl of cereals and banana. You can also toast four pieces of brown bread and spread low fat cheese and butter over it. This is the ideal high protein diet plan for muscle building.
- Some of the richest sources of proteins are found in animal products. They include chicken, fish, beef, pork, turkey. Your lunch should be heavy so that you do not run short of proteins while exercising in the evening. Boiled chicken, roasted beef, chicken broth, boiled turkey, baked fish would provide you the required amount of protein. Do not fry these foods or make gravies, because over cooking destroys the protein contained in them. These foods when consumed in boiled form are easily digested.
- Apart from animal based foods, you should also consume vegetables rich in iron and fruits containing high amounts of vitamin C, necessary for strengthening bones. You should combine your meals with animal products and vegetables to derive maximum nutrition from them. Have a dish of fruits (apples, pears, guava, pomegranate, pineapples, etc) after lunch. You can also have whole wheat tortillas, brown rice to get carbohydrates in healthy forms. Pulses, lentils, beans and grains are excellent sources of proteins and they should be consumed everyday at lunch or dinner.
- Since you are depending more on proteins to increase the volume of lean mass in your body, your dinner will also comprise animal products. Keep your dinner a little light and eat different varieties of fish. Salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, herring are good sources of protein. Boil the slices or bake them for eating. People often drink milk combined with raw eggs. This drink is considered to be the best for body builders. End your day with a glass of protein shake or milk.
This was a concrete plan for a muscle building high protein diet. Although protein is the key ingredient of such diets, you have to adequately balance fat and carbohydrates, essential for gaining energy to perform the high impact moves. The diet plan explained in this article has provided all the important sources of protein that must be included in your diet while being on a muscle building workout regimen.