There are some very simple ways in which the cayenne pepper diet works. It comes with a three fold benefit plan, which is going to be the highlight of this article.
Having the perfect body just in time for an important event is something that everyone wants. Why should only celebrities look lean and fit as they waltz down the red carpet, right? Well, if celebrity behavior is something that you follow and swear by, then the cayenne pepper diet is the one for you, if you want to reap its benefits.
Celebrities like Beyoncé Knowles have gone on record to say that she swears it made her lose weight. Coming from one of the most sought after women in the entertainment industry, that is quite something. So, how does this diet work? And what are its other benefits, apart from the loss of weight? Let’s get these questions answered in the proceeding sections.
What the Diet Involves
Let us first take a brief look at what the diet involves. As the name very obviously suggests, it involves the consumption of cayenne pepper to a reasonable extent. What you need to do for this diet is, prepare a lemon and cayenne pepper detox drink. This drink is a mixture of water, two tbsps of pure, organic maple syrup, two tbsps of fresh lemon juice, and about one tenth of a tsp of cayenne pepper powder. Mix the ingredients and consume it throughout the day as many times as you want for a period of ten days.
There is no maximum limit to the quantity of the drink that you can consume. Since you’re generally not allowed to eat anything when on this diet, you’re sure to consume at least ten to twelve glasses of this drink to keep you energized and your stomach full throughout the day. You can also have a salt water drink (water and sea salt) early in the morning, before proceeding with the day’s detox drink intake. There are those who believe that it is not advisable to refrain from eating completely when on this diet. So, if you cannot stay without eating, you can have small light snacks during the day.
How it Works
Well, now we know what exactly the cayenne pepper diet is all about. But what are its benefits and how does it help our body? Let us go through these aspects in the section below.
Weight Loss
Quite predictably, the most obvious and popular benefit of this diet is the amount of weight that it makes you lose in a short period of time. This diet is often called the ‘ten day diet’ because some people who have been on this diet claim that it made them lose ten pounds in ten days. When you consume nothing but just a water solution for ten days, you’re bound to lose a lot of weight. Cayenne pepper has the ability to inhibit the appetite and hence, you don’t even feel very hungry when on this diet.
Water, as you may very well know, is one of the best cleansing agents within our body. The necessary amount of water, per day, is about two liters. When this water is combined with cayenne pepper, which not only curbs the appetite, but also helps to cleanse out our digestive system, by detoxifying it (due to its hot and spicy nature), the result is a body that has been cleansed thoroughly from the inside.
Apart from water and cayenne pepper taking care of the digestion, cleansing and weight loss aspects of this diet, the maple syrup and lemon juice also play an important role in contributing to the overall benefits of this diet. Lemon juice is rich in vitamins that provide ample nutrition to the body. Also, the maple syrup has enough calories and vitamins to help you get through the day without feeling low on energy. Plus, maple syrup is a great way to distract your taste buds from the spicy flavor of the cayenne pepper.
Be advised that even though this is the general and most widely accepted explanation of how this diet works, you need to consult your dietitian or doctor if you suffer from some specific medical conditions before you embark on it. Get the diet to fit your body requirements and you’ll surely benefit from it.