Are you trying to lessen your potassium intake? Along with a potassium free diet, there are viable potassium free salt substitutes available in the market. You would want to check them, so keep reading…
Potassium is a very important mineral our body requires. It pairs up with sodium in the body to maintain the body’s normal water balance. The daily recommended intake of potassium ought to be 4.7 grams, which every person is supplied with, since this important mineral is present in abundant in most of the foods we eat daily. In absolutely rare cases will you come across a hypokalemic (deficiency of potassium) person. Hyperkalemia, is a condition in which a person is diagnosed of high levels of potassium.
Now, the kidney is responsible for regulating the level of potassium in our body. When people are diagnosed with kidney disorders or diabetes, their kidney has to work harder than before to eliminate the excess potassium, and sometimes this job is not carried out properly. The result is high potassium levels in the bloodstream. High levels of potassium in the bloodstream can aggravate the problem further and wreck you system completely. In rare cases, it may also cause heart failures and nerve abnormalities. Therefore, it is important to keep a check on your potassium levels and try not to consume a lot of potassium rich foods, or follow a low potassium diet, or even better, switch to potassium free salt substitutes!
No Potassium Salt Substitutes
Salt substitutes are salts specially manufactured for people who fear the risk or being diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases or hypertension. The sodium content in these kinds of salts are generally replaced with potassium. But every individual meets the RDA (recommend daily allowance) of potassium, hence, including salt substitutes can cause an increase in the potassium levels in our body. To avoid this complicated situation, potassium free salt substitutes are used.
Listed below are few substitutes to choose from.
- Go Salt Free: The best way to get rid of the problem of whether it should be common salt or salt substitute and all those complications is to go completely “salt free”. On a very serious note, that is the way to maintain your good health.
- Seasoned Salt: There are herbal and spice-based potassium free salt substitutes available that you will find in the spice section. These can be mixed together with your food to add flavor, and they work in an excellent manner from the taste point of view. They come in different flavors and colors to suit your palate.
- Salt Substitute: Generally, every salt contains a small amount of sodium and chloride in it. But if you are on a sodium restrictive diet, and do not want to consume potassium chloride either, then get a salt substitute that contains magnesium chloride or a salt substitute made up of certain proteins.
- Flavorful Spices: Now, the primary objective of salt is to add that powerful flavor to your food. Cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, freshly ground pepper, herbs like oregano, basil leaves, and many more can be added to your food to make it tasty without the use of salt.
- Blend it Well: Eliminating salt or salt substitutes from your diet allows you to unleash the flavor of many herbs and spices, you probably didn’t know existed. Blend the salt free herbs and spices correctly, so that you learn to appreciate new flavor combinations. Do not forget to incorporate foods that are low in potassium and sodium in your favorite recipes, and season them with a combination of herbs and spices. You will soon be able to do without salt and not miss it much.
Initially, you may miss the taste of salt, but eventually you are going to conform yourself to the new condition and new taste. Needless to say, it is very important for you to maintain good health and stay fit.