Weight watchers diet plan has earned rave reviews from dieters. Know how does its point system work in reality.
Weight watchers is a diet plan which aims at steady and permanent weight loss. Unlike other diet plans which encourage you to only eat low fat, low calorie foods, weight watchers is driven by the portions of food rather than their type. This diet plan has helped millions of people to lose weight and most importantly, maintain the weight loss. Weight watchers point system works at various levels. It is an ideal diet plan for beginners who are unaware about the calories in foods and the right portion size for them.
Weight Watchers Point System Working
Weight watchers diet plan is of two different types, the core plan and the flex plan. The core plan does not have a pointer system. Instead, it comprises a list of different foods, which you can consume for weight loss. These core foods are essentially healthy foods which aid in weight loss. Thus, there is no limitation on the quantity of food that you consume. You can eat these healthy foods as much as you want.
There is no consideration for calories or fat content and there are no points assigned to these healthy foods. The flex plan, on the other hand, comprises a value point system. Weight watchers has evaluated about 27,000 different foods and assigned value points to these foods. Low fat high fiber fruits are assigned very low value points, whereas, high fat foods are rated higher on the pointer scale.
Every dieter is given a set points for the day. These points may be anywhere between 18 and 37 according to your weight. The more your weight, the greater is your daily point allowance. This is because, overweight people need more food. As you go on losing weight, your daily point allowance will also reduce gradually.
The biggest advantage of this system is that you are allowed to eat whatever you want, and yes that includes high calorie, high fat foods as well. Only restriction is that you cannot exceed your points for the day. So in case, you decide to gorge on burger and fries, you will exhaust your point allowance for the day quickly. Thus, you will have to offset your binge eating with low fat high fiber foods which have very low points.
Weight Watchers Point System Calculator
In a weight watchers point system chart, you will find that foods are evaluated based on their nutrient content as well as portion size. Thus, it becomes easier to keep track on how much you are eating and how many points are being used up. For instance, if a burger has been assigned 13 points and your daily limit is 20, you will instantly know that the remaining 7 points should come from fruits and vegetables only.
If you still choose to eat fatty food worth 7 points, then you may have to skip food for the rest of the day. Flex plan also offers you an option of exercising. Different exercises are assigned negative points. So in case you exceed your limit or overeat, you can compensate for it by working out. Weight watchers also offers bonus points every week which you can utilize as per your convenience. You may distribute the bonus points over a week or you may save them for a special occasion.
Your age, sex and lifestyle is taken into account while allotting your daily point allowance. Here is a general weight watcher point formula for calculating your daily points.
P = (C/50) + (F/12) – (R/5),
where P=points, C=calories, F=fat grams, R=fiber grams (not more than 4 grams).
Thus, weight watchers teaches you to pay attention to the nutritional value of food that you consume. Eventually, this becomes a way of life for some people.