Is the lemonade diet safe? If yes, then how does it help the body? And if not, then why? Such questions must have been plaguing your mind ever since Beyoncé announced on Oprah that she went on the lemonade diet and lost a lot of weight. Well, here’s where you’ll find answers to those questions.
As the name suggests, a lemonade diet is a diet that involves drinking nothing but a lemon drink for the entire duration of the diet, which usually lasts about ten to twelve days. In this lemon juice diet, you need to consume at least twelve glasses of a drink made by mixing water, two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, a tenth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and honey or maple syrup. This drink is basically a detoxifying drink which also helps in weight loss. When on this diet, the person is advised not to eat or drink anything else at all. A glass of a salt water flush in the morning and some peppermint tea may be permitted at times. But is this lemonade diet safe and how long can it be followed for? Let’s find out in this NutriNeat article.
Advantages of the Diet
Reading about what exactly the lemonade diet is all about, you must have undoubtedly wondered what the ramifications of such an extreme diet could be. Well, first of all, let us make it very clear right at the onset that going on crash and starvation diets is not the solution to a persisting weight problem. Having said that, it has been seen that going on this has been effective in making people lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. This is because the body does not get any solid sources of fats, carbs and other substances that contribute to weight gain. Instead, the drink has enough calories to get the person through the day (honey/maple syrup and lemon). Plus, the lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and the water are active detoxifying agents which help to cleanse the body thoroughly from all the toxins that may be present within. People who have reaped the benefits of this diet claim that it has made them feel a lot better, physically and even mentally. They feel invigorated and rejuvenated, and hence have a more refreshed outlook to life.
Disadvantages of the Diet
As you can see, the lemonade diet is an effective way to lose weight and also have a totally toxin free body. However, that was just one side of the story. The above-mentioned benefits are what all the proponents and people who have experienced them will speak about. There are also those who claim that going on a lemonade diet is not only ineffective, but also quite dangerous for the body. First of all, sudden weight loss is always unhealthy, especially when it is caused by the consumption of just fluids. Secondly, the body does not really receive all the nutrients that it requires to remain fit and healthy from a lemon drink. Thirdly, there are also people who believe that the body does not require outside cleansing, the liver and digestive juices do a remarkable job themselves. Plus, when your body gets accustomed to a totally liquid diet, its rate of metabolism gets reduced considerably. So, when you resume eating normal foods after you have reached your ‘ideal weight’, your body is still accustomed to the slow metabolism. As a result, you’ll put on the weight that you lost, rather quickly. In fact, even the weight you lose will just be water and lean muscle.
A lemonade diet, just like any other diet, has its pros and cons. So, the question here is not actually whether it is safe or dangerous, but whether your body has what it takes to make the diet work for you. Remember to consult your doctor before you go on this diet, especially if you are a minor, pregnant, or have any other ailments. If not, then there isn’t any real reason that can hold you back from trying this diet.