This article dwells on the Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers lawsuit that happened in early 2010. An advertisement by Jenny Craig telecasted in December 2009, touted that its weight loss program conduced to twice as much as weight loss as compared to the leading weight loss programs. However, what’s the truth?
Not everybody has the time or money to hire personal trainers and chefs to maintain a personal weight loss program. Two popular ways to lose weight fast are the Jenny Craig and the weight watchers weight management program. January is a lucrative time for weight loss companies, because it’s a time when people are busy making new year resolutions and signing up for weight loss programs, with the intention of losing a few unwanted pounds this new year. However, at this crucial time Jenny Craig attacked the reputation of Weight Watchers. In a television advertisement (December 2009), Jenny Craig touted its superiority over their rival Weight Watchers, which ultimately led Weight Watchers to sue the former. Is Jenny Craig truly more effective than Weight Watchers?
Disclaimer: The comparison has been made with the Weight Watchers program and not the latest Weight Watchers 360° program. The details of the current program are exclusively available to the paid members of Weight Watchers.
Weight Watchers Weight Loss Programs
Weight Watchers International Inc. based in New York, was developed in the 1960s, by Jean Nidetch. It’s a weight loss program that enables men and women to lose weight by making them aware of the amount of calorie intake and expenditure. One of their popular weight loss systems is the point system, wherein, specific number of points are assigned to different types of food based on the calorie content, fiber content, serving size and fat grams. Negative points are also given to people who exercise. At the end of the week the points are tallied. The aim is to refrain from crossing the overall point allowance, which is based on one’s height, weight and weight loss goals. Based on Weight Watchers points the weight loss system revolves.
Jenny Craig Weight Loss Programs
Jenny Craig Inc., a unit of Vevey, Switzerland-based Nestle SA is a personalized weight loss program, that focuses on a holistic approach by offering guidelines for active living and healthy eating behavior. The distinguishing feature about this Jenny Craig diet plan is that in this plan, one does not need to cut down on one’s favorite food, but the focus is on the limit. Eating small portions of food is focused upon. Moreover, Jenny Craig food is provided by the company itself, so all one has to do is eat the given food and lose weight.
Jenny Craig Vs. Weight Watchers Lawsuit
Weight watchers sued Jenny Craig for making allegations, based on false scientific research in an advertising campaign. In the television advertisement, actress Valerie Bertinelli is seen in lab coat saying that “a major clinical trial” shows “Jenny Craig clients lost, on average, over twice as much weight as those on the largest weight-loss program.” They are implying that the Jenny Craig weight management program has been proved to be more effective than Weight Watchers. This is why the whole Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers Valerie Bertinelli case came about.
In response to these false allegations, Weight Watchers International Inc. filed a complaint on 19th January, 2010 in the federal court in New York. They bounced back defending their weight management program, saying that Jenny Craig had made these claims without conducting clinical trials.
Calling their ads deceptive and misleading, Weight Watchers asked the Manhattan federal court to stop Jenny Craig Inc. from telecasting their advertisement that had no scientific basis. They asked for an injunction and damages along with ban of the ads. David Kirchhoff, Chief Executive Officer of Weight Watchers said in a statement: “The fact that Jenny Craig chose to deceptively try to compare themselves to Weight Watchers in a manner that is clearly unsupported by fact or science, suggests to us a lack of confidence in their own current offerings.”
Based on the filed suit, Weight Watchers won a temporary restraining order against rival Jenny Craig, thereby winning round one of the war between the two weight loss giants. The restraining order prohibited Jenny Craig Inc. from using comparative claims of superiority in the current marketing communications.
As per the restraining order, Jenny Craig had to pull off the offending advertisements, however, the suit wasn’t still over. Jenny Craig’s response to the whole suit was that the company would comply with the interim order, but said that she still stands by the validity of the clinical trials. Jenny Craig withdrew their advertisements. The two companies marched towards a settlement on February, 4th 2010. Jenny Craig Inc. agreed for a settlement because they realized stretching the litigation will only prove expensive to both parties. However, they settled on their terms and conditions.
According to the terms of the settlement, Jenny Craig will hereafter not telecast those offensive television advertisements. Patti Larchet, Jenny Craig chief executive officer, said that in the terms of settlement, Jenny Craig Inc. admits of ‘no wrongdoing and agrees not to compare its clinical trial results to past Weight Watcher trials’. There were no punitive measures taken against Jenny Craig and both companies had to pay their own legal fees. Thus, the lawsuit of Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers costs were not as heavy as other lawsuits.
But which is superior, Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers? While Consumer Reports ranked Jenny Craig as the number one weight loss program, U.S. News & World Report honored Weight Watchers with the number one position. The variation in results occurred due to the difference in the manner in which the different weight loss programs were rated. So it’s quite difficult to pinpoint which program is superior to the other.
Kirstie Alley lost more than 55 pounds, after an apparent starting weight of 220 pounds with Jenny Craig weight loss program. She has been promoting Jenny Craig ever since. On the other hand, Jennifer Hudson claimed to have lost 80 pounds on the Weight Watchers’ new points plus program. Thus, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig reviews are mixed on the whole.
Some have found them highly beneficial in losing those disdainful pounds, while some have found themselves getting disappointed. While choosing a weight loss program it is essential for one to have realistic expectations. Don’t expect for a miracle overnight. Choose a program that will help you cut down your daily calorie intake and assist you to lose weight. Irrespective of the program you choose, make sure you are determined to lose weight. Write to us about your personal experience!