Juice fasting is a detox diet which involves the consumption of raw vegetables, fruit juices, and water, in the absence of solid food. This article provides some information on the diet plan, as well as the ingredients that are used in it.
Many a time, our body needs a little detoxification so that the large amounts of toxins are flushed out, thus, cleansing our systems, and nourishing them. For detoxification, the body needs a break from the regular high cholesterol, protein, and extra carbohydrates which take a long time for digestion. Many dietitians suggest a fasting diet where you are advised to drink only liquids which act as cleansers, as well as provide the necessary nutrients. Among the various detox diets, which are followed by people for this reason, one of the most effective is the juice fasting diet, where you are supposed to consume fruit and vegetable juices for a specific period of 2 to 3 days. However, these liquid diets should not be followed more than the advised period to avoid untoward effects.
Diet for Juice Fasting
People might take up this particular diet for varied reasons such as losing weight; getting rid of addictions like smoking, alcohol, overeating, caffeine; medical purposes like cancer, severe infections, autoimmune diseases, etc. For whichever purpose this diet is taken up, it should not be followed for more than a particular time limit. This is because during this diet, one is only consuming juices or liquids, and no solid food. Therefore, there are chances that weakness, deficiencies, acidity, and malnourishment could occur.
It is necessary to consult the concerned doctor and get the details cleared, if one wishes to follow this diet plan. There are various types of detox drinks present in this diet and one can choose the one that suits them the best. These are:
- Fruit Juices (apple, berries, dark grapes, lemon)
- Vegetable Juices (cucumber, celery, spinach, beet grass, parsley, cabbage, broccoli), Wheatgrass Juices
- Root Juices (sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, ginger, green onion, fresh turmeric root, yucca root)
Diet Plan
One would need a diet plan for what to consume at which meal. Although one can choose from the juices mentioned above, they can be consumed for any of the meals, depending on each one’s choice. This plan should be followed only for 3 days and not more. One of the most effective diets is the master cleanse diet or the lemonade diet. A glimpse of this diet plan is shown in the following table.
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Snacks |
One liter lemonade (master cleanser) or fruit juices like citrus, apple, pear. Vegetable juices diluted with water. | Almost 350 ml of vegetable or fruit juice. Preferably consume vegetable juice for lunch. | One can make vegetable broth instead of drinking another vegetable juice. | If one gets hungry between meals, drink carrot, wheatgrass or beet juice, whichever one finds more filling. |
Diet Recipes
There are a few juice preparations so as to avoid monotony during your diet.
- Mixed Juice: Blend together 2 carrots, 1 sweet potato, thin slices of Spanish onions, 2 apples, and a pinch of dulse powder.
- Fruit Paradise: A great mixture of ½ watermelon, 5 oranges, 1 lemon, and 2 tablespoons of pineapple concentrate.
- All Citrus: All one needs for this recipe is 1 grapefruit and 1orange, and a few ice cubes. One can add honey to give a delicious and healthy touch to the drink.
- The Vinegar Drink: This is one of the most nutritious and healthy juice recipes for your diet. Blend in 2 radishes, 1 beet, 1 lemon, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 sliced Spanish onion, and 1 tablespoon cider vinegar. This can be used when the juice fasting is for weight loss.
Following the aforementioned juice recipes and diet plan might prove beneficial for the detoxification. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before opting for a particular diet.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.