The benefits of Kombucha cover a wide range of health conditions, from cancer to boosting the immune system to improving the hair quality. Scroll down to know more.
It is believed to be the magical potion by the Chinese. In fact, going even further it was eventually called the immortal elixir. Any clues as to what am I talking about? Well, I am talking about Kombucha, which is fast gaining popularity now in the west as well. You might be wondering what it is. It is fundamentally a fermented tea, which is drunk for medicinal purposes.
It is fermented by a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (kombucha Scoby), that is because of their ability to reproduce or mushroom, pertaining to its appearance. This has been consumed in China and Japan since a long time and why not? After all, there are quite a few benefits which have been uncovered! Take look!
Benefits of Raw Organic Kombucha
Kombucha tea, is consumed very commonly, hence here are some benefits of having it.
Secret of Energy
It is believed that Kombucha helps boost immunity. This healthy drink is said to have anti oxidants, which enhance your immune system. Automatically then, we can fight common cold and any other common infections and even serious diseases to some extent. The tea is also supposed to energize you.
True Blood
It is also said to be effective against high blood pressure. It works to lower the high blood pressure. So, any problems culminating from high blood pressure are automatically prevented.
Bad Cells, Go Off
A very strong claim is that it effectively fights cancers, of different types. Although, there has been no scientific evidence about this, personal experiences of people who have used it, has led to this belief.
Get Rid Of Toxins
Another benefit of this tea is detoxification of the body. This is also a reason why it is said to prevent cancer. It is rich in enzymes and bacterial acids, which are even naturally produced in our body for detoxification of our system. Having Kombucha relieves the load on our pancreas and liver for detoxification.
Joint Venture
Glucosamines in this tea are supposed to be good for preventing and treating arthritis. Synovial hyaluronic acid production is enhanced by glucosamines. That helps in preservation of cartilage structure and pain caused by arthritis. It also helps in maintaining moisture, lubrication and flexibility and lessens free radical damage of ligaments and cartilage. Further, associated collagen retards and reduces wrinkles.
Eat All
Kombucha also aids in proper digestion. It is a probiotic food, which means that it is loaded with live micro organisms touted to be good for our digestive health. Probiotics, according to experts are useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome and several other digestive problems. Therefore, if consumed before or after meals, it helps in digestion.
Hairy Tales
There is anecdotal evidence that Kombucha may help in improving your hair quality. It helps in thickening of hair and restores its color. The mushroom of Kombucha itself has a moisturizing and enhancing effect on the skin.
More Benefits
The above were the most prominent benefits. A few more are listed below –
- Improves eyesight
- Helps ease fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
- Clears up skin problems – even acne and eczema
- Improves circulation
- Reduces systemic inflammation
- Soothes burns and sunburn
- Reduces the sting and swelling from bee stings
- The raw mushroom can work as an underarm deodorant
Kombucha is said to be really beneficial for health. But there may be side effects, too. Hence, before you take it, consult a doctor! Take care!