This article will give you an insight on what is the master cleanse for weight loss, it benefits, the stages of this diet, and the possible dangers of following this diet.
The master cleanse diet, which is also called the lemonade diet is a detox diet which is designed to clean the digestive system, eliminate toxins from the body, promote weight loss, and increase energy levels. In this detox diet the key ingredient is a concoction which is referred as lemonade, a salt water flush, and laxatives. The lemonade is made using half juice of organic lime or lemon, and two tablespoons of maple syrup with a pinch of cayenne pepper mixed in 1 to 2 cups of water. People who are on this diet are instructed to drink lemonade throughout the day, and follow a strict multi-stage diet program. Given below are the stages of this diet.
Stages of the Diet
1st Stage
The first stage of this diet plan is aimed as easing in the detox, which lasts for three days. This stage helps the body prepare for a liquid-based diet. On the first day the person should eat only fruits and vegetables. People are not allowed to eat grain, dairy products, or meat products. On the second day of this stage the dieter is advised juice of fruits and vegetables. And on the third day of stage one, only orange juice with maple syrup is recommended.
2nd Stage
This stage in the diet is considered to be the bulk of the diet, as it lasts for 14 days and has to be followed very strictly. The first thing that the person needs to do is make a lemonade concoction. And each time the person feels tired or hungry, they are supposed to drink a glass of lemonade, drinking between six and 26 glasses every day is recommended, and in between plain water is allowed. With the drinking of lemonade concoction people are told to take a laxative, or to finish a salt water flush in the morning and have another laxative during the evening period. For making the salt water flush, 10 ml of sea salt in one liter of water is used. Then the complete mixture is to be had. This mixture is supposed to remove any waste stored in the body. People who complete the sea salt flush can expect up to 15 bowel motions in one sitting.
3rd Stage
During the third stage of the lemonade detox diet, the first stage process becomes reversed. Firstly, they are advised to have orange juice on the first day. And on the next day they are allowed to have juiced fruits and vegetables. Finally, on the last day solid vegetables and fruits are recommended.
Results and Side Effects
Health benefits of weight loss related to master cleanse program includes detox, weight loss up to 15 pounds in 10 days, increased energy and stamina revels, reduced craving for junk food and alcohol, healthier and younger looking-skin, relief from body aches, and getting rid of indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn symptoms
Side Effects
There are certain dangers one might experience because of this diet. Due to master cleanse diet you will have nutrient deficiency and experience metabolic changes, as there is reduced consumption of carbohydrates and muscles will help generate energy. A person might also get chronic diarrhea due to starvation and after one finishes the diet, they might overeat and gain weight again.
Many people claim to benefit greatly from this diet, however some people tend to suffer from many side effects and tell that they gained weight back again. So, make sure you weigh the pros and cons before taking up this diet. Also, consult your physician before switching from your usual diet to the master cleanse diet.