This diet was introduced in the early 1920s. Even though it has its own pros and cons, it continues to be popular even today. Scroll down for more information.
The milk diet was introduced by Bernarr McFadden. He was of the opinion that it could cure illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, edema, ulcers, indigestion, low thyroid function, appendicitis, insomnia, anemia, migraines, stomach acids, and eczema. He also looked at this diet as a remedy for chronic disease like tuberculosis, hay fever, etc., and also prove to be helpful in treating conditions like gallstones, infertility, and narcotic habits.
Milk is rich in calcium, fluoride, selenium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Its most important constituent is calcium, which is necessary for weight loss and also for maintaining weight.
Here, the person has to consume only raw milk for a period of three weeks and is supposed to be on bed rest. The philosophy used in this case is that raw milk is a nutrient-dense food. Since it is in a liquid form, it is more easily absorbed by the body as compared to solid foods.
For Weight Loss
Today, we see that there are number of fad diets. One of the oldest is the one that comprised solely or mostly of milk (with different versions). The first version is to be ONLY on a milk diet for a certain period of time. The other is where people drink an additional amount of milk to supplement a normal weight loss plan. Although both these diets are radically different from one another, they fall under the same category.
Radical Milk Diet: It lasts anywhere between 1 to 3 weeks. During this time, a person is allowed to consume only fresh whole milk. At the same time, physical activity has to be minimum. This is because there is no consumption of solid food to give the required fuel for the system.
Supplementary Milk Diet: Here, all food items are to be substituted with one glass of skimmed milk. With every meal the person can also include a glass of milk if the protein consumption is not as planned. If you’re still hungry, then consume only water and not any other drink.
For Weight Gain
Like there are people who want to lose weight, there are others who want to gain weight. When you are on a weight gain diet, you will have to consume food that is more than your normal amount. Here, the person is recommended to have whole milk. Considering their nutritive value, whole milk products like cheese, cottage cheese can also be added.
However, before you follow this type of diet, it is recommended you talk to your health care professional. It is also advised that you consult a dietician before you opt for its radical version.
Disclaimer: This NutriNeat article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.