Organic vitamin supplements are far better than the synthetic vitamin supplements we take. Keep reading to learn the benefits of organic vitamins over the synthetic ones.
In our hectic life it is very difficult to follow a balanced diet. Many people spend a lot of money on vitamin supplements. However, these vitamin supplements are a cocktail of chemicals and can’t work as a substitute for a balanced food diet. The synthetic vitamin supplements which are aimed to increase the vitamin and mineral levels in our body contain calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, and other chemicals derived from seashells, rocks, or corals. Organic vitamins are free from these chemical compounds. The synthetic compounds can’t replace the natural nutrients which are present in the food. Our bodies are made in a way that enables us to consume natural foodstuffs, and synthetic supplements are not completely absorbed by the body.
Popping these supplements in case of deficiencies can be helpful, but if you are taking these supplements as a means to prevent heart diseases or to increase the body’s immunity, then these vitamin supplements are not that effective. Also, the water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin B when stored in excess amount move out of the body, hence one needs to keep consuming them regularly. On the other hand organic supplements which are made from organic foods and ingredients are far more healthier and safer to use.
- Around 90% percent of people have some sort of nutrient deficiency. In such cases to regain health, organic supplements can help in a safe way to recover from the deficiencies.
- People who are into bodybuilding need vitamins without fail for developing their bodies within a certain time. Organic vitamins in such cases when taken in the recommended dosage can greatly help.
- Certified organic vitamins that are 100% organic get easily absorbed by the body. But, only 10% of synthetic supplements are absorbed by the body.
- The synthetic vitamin supplements are flavored with synthetic additives and have a metallic taste. Organic vitamins don’t contain any synthetic or isolate ingredients.
- Synthetic vitamin supplements are made from various chemical compounds, while organic dietary supplements contain whole foods vitamin supplements.
- Organic whole food vitamin supplements also contain homeopathy minerals.
- Our diet generally lacks the intake of whole foods like nuts, seeds, and grains. Organic vitamins help by acting as a substitute for these whole food items.
- No chemicals, additives, or synthetic ingredients are allowed in these supplements.
- They have a lacto-vegetarian formula.
Very few people are aware about organic vitamin supplements. They are available at most health stores, however not in as much abundance as compared to the synthetic vitamin supplements. Find a store or supplier which have certified organic vitamins. Make sure they have a ‘USDA organic’ approval. However, when consuming these supplements care should be taken to not overconsume them as they may lead to some side effects. Water-soluble vitamins don’t have any side effects, but it is still important that you take the mineral and vitamin supplements as per the recommended dosage.
It is important that you keep in mind that supplements whether they are organic or synthetic ones can’t completely replace the need for a balanced diet. Hence, one should always try to eat balanced meals and reduce the amount of processed foodstuffs in their diet. There are certain habits one can inculcate to prevent any nutrient deficiencies in the body like eating a lot of fruits and consuming salads on an everyday basis. To get better benefits from natural foodstuffs, opt for foodstuffs which are grown using organic farming.