Special Perricone diet plans are gaining a lot of popularity amongst the health and beauty conscious people. Read the following article and get to know the details and reviews of these diet plans.
Until now, we have heard about numerous diet plans that are specifically designed for weight loss and weight management. On the other hand, we have heard the discussions and opinions of many experts about foods that are useful for slowing down the process of aging. However, not many diet plans have been specifically designed to help you to lose weight as well as cure all the signs of aging with the same diet. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist by profession, however, has written a lot of books about special diet plans that are effective for various purposes like anti-aging, weight loss, anti-inflammatory diets, etc. All the diets that are designed by Dr. Perricone are known as the ‘Perricone diet plans’. Each of his diet plans have become extremely popular amongst the people who want to lose weight and keep looking ‘forever young’! If you want to follow these diets, then it is important for you to learn about the basics and reviews of all these diet plans. Keep reading the following NutriNeat article that is nothing but a low down on all the diet plans designed by Dr. Perricone.
As I have made a mention before, Dr. Perricone has written several books on healthy diets and the effects of nutritional analysis of various foods on our body and mind. In each of these books, he has given detailed insight on the fact that how a well planned diet can improve your overall health, make you to lose or control weight and reduce the possible signs of aging too. In almost all the books, Dr. Perricone has emphasized on a three-tiered approach to healthy living, resolving skin problems and controlling the weight issues. These tiers include, a balanced diet, topical medications and dietary supplements. Since all his diets are targeted towards different problems, each one of it is based on unique instructions for almost the similar menu plans. These diets include:
- Forever Young or Wrinkle-Free Skin Diet
- Ageless Face, Ageless Mind
- 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity
- The Wrinkle Cure
- The Perricone Prescription
- The Acne Prescription
- The Perricone Promise
- The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet
Duration of the Plans
Each and every Perricone diet is thoroughly explained in the books that are available in the market with the same names that are mentioned in the above list. All these books (mentioning the diet plans) were published one after the other and several diet plans like the The Perricone Prescription and The Acne Prescription are needed to be followed in a row and in the same order. Dr. Perricone has created all these diet plans with the help of the emerging branch of nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is a branch of science that finds out positive and negative effects of various foods, on the human gene expression. He also claims that certain foods (that he calls as ‘superfoods’) are extremely beneficial for causing ‘reversing effects’ on the signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines and gray hair. Similar to their basic recommendations, the time span which is required for each of these diets is also different. For instance, the diets like Perricone Prescription and the Nutritional Face Lift are needed to be followed only for 3 days, while other diets like the Perricone Promise is to be followed for about 28 days.
Goals for the Plans
The goals of these diet plans are well-rounded. The creator of these diets emphasizes on healthy and happy living, which is free from any kinds of health issues or illnesses. According to Dr. Perricone, these diets are ideal to be used for the people who want to regulate their diet with balanced levels of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The diets are also useful for the people who want to reduce inflammation and health conditions like arthritis that are caused by the same. People who are interested in muscle building, weight loss and enhancing the appearance of the skin, may also avail benefits of these diets. According to Dr. Perricone, these diets will help the dieters to enhance their mood, increase energy levels, brain functions, athletic abilities, and improve the level of health and well-being. Along with various foods that are prescribed to be included in these diets, Dr. Perricone also provides certain medications, topical creams and dietary supplements like vitamin D, vitamin K, Pycnogenol, astaxanthin and various nutripeptides that are offered by Dr. Perricone’s company itself.
Foods for the Plans
In all of his special diet books, Dr. Perricone has explained how inflammation accelerates the process of aging and cell degeneration. Inflammation also causes other health problems like cardiovascular diseases, cancer and numerous skin problems. To follow these diets, the dieters need to consume loads of antioxidant rich foods (mainly fresh fruits and vegetables) and several dietary supplements that are prescribed by Dr. Perricone. The dieters also need to use certain skin creams and serums in order to retain glowing and youthful texture of the skin. The menu of all these diets mainly focuses on rich sources of fatty acids like wild salmons and other such healthy types of fish. The dieter needs to consume high amount of wild salmons along with other superfoods that are described by Dr. Perricone. These superfoods mainly include garlic, watercress, onions, buckwheat, barley, wheat germs, beans, chia seeds, cocoa, hot peppers, sprouts, nuts, seeds and yogurt. The creator has also emphasized the benefits of acai berry in both its raw and frozen forms. On the other hand, the dieters should stay away from processed foods, fried foods, sweets like candies, pastries, carbonated beverages and the rest of the foods that cause inflammation. The dieters are also advised to avoid staying in direct sunlight for long.
All the recommendations and tips that are provided in various books of Dr. Perricone, have got mixed reviews. Many experts, including those at the American Academy of Dermatology have criticized some of the pointers in these diets. They advocate that some of the tips that are provided in the ‘Perricone Promise plan’ like eating antioxidant rich foods and avoiding direct sunlight are definitely worth it. However, eating a lot of salmon and other such fish for a continuous period of time, just to get rid of wrinkles or fine lines doesn’t really sound practical. According to the experts at USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, one should consume an overall healthy diet, rather than emphasizing on a single food as the best source for all the skin and health related problems. However, it is important to understand that not all the experts and common consumers have denied the productivity of this diet plan. According to several dieters, this diet plan brought a stability in their eating habits. Whereas, according to the experts, people who can spend the amount of money which is required for this expensive diet plan can definitely try this diet as another endeavor at dieting and find a way out for weight management and aging process.
Well then, now you have all the basic information related to the Perricone diet plans. In case, you want to follow any of the diet plans of Dr. Perricone, you may need to consult your health care provider for the pros and cons of these diets. Once you have done that, then you can surely contact Dr. Perricone himself!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not suggested to be used without prior professional medical advice.