Can pomegranate juice consumption play a critical role in treating prostate cancer? The following article tries to answer this question.
Evidence from preliminary studies does indicate that pomegranate juice has the capacity to restrict cancer growth in prostate tissues.
Ever thought of pomegranate juice as a treatment for prostate cancer patients? Well, this may become a reality if various studies underway are able to demonstrate the positive impact of pomegranate juice on a large number of prostate cancer patients. So, besides undergoing conventional treatment, patient may benefit from drinking this antioxidant drink.
Delaying prostate cancer from spreading may be possible by drinking pomegranate juice regularly. The various compounds in this juice do show the ability to destroy cancer cells as found in lab studies. Pomegranates are loaded with almost every type of antioxidants, which may be promoting death of cancerous cells.
Preliminary Studies
Controls PSA Levels
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) refers to a type of protein secreted by the prostate gland. PSA levels are found to be abnormally high in patients suffering from prostate cancer. In one study, it was observed that pomegranate juice was able to control the rising PSA levels and delay the progression of prostate cancer.
In the study, around 50 patients were showing a dramatic rise in PSA levels, despite completing the conventional treatment (surgery and radiation therapy). The patient were then asked to drink pomegranate juice everyday. It took around 4.5 years for PSA levels to reach twice its normal level. This time period is significantly high considering that usually PSA levels take around 2.2 years to double. This clearly proves that pomegranate juice is effective in retarding the growth of cancerous tumors.
Laboratory Studies
In yet another study, prostate cancer cells reproduced in a controlled lab environment were exposed to pomegranate juice. This helped to control proliferation of cells, in turn contributing to contain the spread of cancer. The research also showed that pomegranate juice was able to actually destroy the prostate cancer cells.
Animal Studies
Animal studies are also indicating pomegranate juice as a promising remedy in the treatment of prostate cancer. In the research, prostate cancer cells were introduced intravenously into mice. The mice were then divided into 3 groups, each group getting water with different concentration of pomegranate juice. The size of the tumor developed in each group was then analyzed. The volume of tumors in the mice group getting highest concentration of pomegranate juice was remarkably less than the other groups that received lower amount of pomegranate juice.
In yet another animal study, to confirm the efficacy of pomegranate juice in lowering tumor growth, a prespecified number of mice were intravenously fed with prostate cancer cells. One group of mice were given water containing pomegranate juice. The remaining mice were left without any treatment. After a stipulated period of time, mice from both the groups were checked to know how far the cancer cells spread in the body. Results showed that tumor growth was found to be considerably restricted in mice treated with pomegranate juice.
Animal studies also demonstrate heart healthy benefits of this antioxidant rich drink. It is observed that build up of plaque (hardened deposits of cholesterol) in the arteries cuts off the blood supply to the heart. Studies on mice show that the juice may help to remove plaque deposits that clog the arteries and cause heart attacks. To simply put, pomegranate juice may actually reverse the hardening of the arteries associated with plaque formation. In case, human studies also show the same outcome as evident in animal studies, pomegranate juice can become an effective treatment for people suffering from atherosclerosis.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.