If you dream of setting a new record in the triathlon world championship, you have hit the right page. Here are a few tips to reach the pinnacle of success. Your respective mentors are sure there to monitor your sport but what about your diet? Triathlon training diet plan is just as important as mastering your sport. Find in this article everything related to the diet aspect of triathlon training.
Triathlon is a multi-sport event that focuses on completion of three sports without any gap in between them. Although there are many variations to this triathlon, the most popular being swimming, cycling and running. Triathletes require immense persistent training and a disciplined endurance to compete for fastest overall completion of the sequential events. Now, apart from focusing on reducing the completion time and developing smooth transitions between the respective sports, a triathlon training diet is equally important. As this sport demands tremendous strength and stamina to accomplish the event of sports, a specific balanced diet would boost their energy further and help them come out as champions in the triathlon.
You can have the best nutrition on the race day, but if you have not fed your body properly during the entire training session you are likely to not give your best in the race then. So, what does the triathlon training diet plan consist of? Firstly, it simply refers to eating the right kind of foods in the right amounts at right times. Carbohydrates are your body’s main supply of fuel. During the training session your body is put through a lot of hard work, from moderate to intense level exercises. To sustain all this your body needs to be fueled with carbohydrates, which convert into glucose to give you abundant spurts of energy.
Proteins are the building blocks of your body. They help in building new muscles and damage the repaired ones. Fats provide cushion to the various vital organs of our body. They promote a healthy heart and are the last resorts of energy, in case carbohydrates are completely burnt. Moreover, a dose of essential vitamins and minerals prevent cell damage and boosts the immune system. Finally, we cannot be forgetting the intake of fluids, the most important aspect of a triathlete diet. To make sure that all the above nutrients are absorbed and assimilated in the body properly it is important to keep yourself thoroughly hydrated. Furthermore, your training amounts to a lot of sweating, in that case it is essential to restore the levels of water in your body.
Triathlon Training Diet Plan – Example
Early Morning Meal | Soak 4 almonds and a few blackcurrants overnight and the following morning eat it as soon as you wake up. Consume a glass of warm water, that helps in cleaning your system. |
Breakfast | 2 boiled eggs, 1 boiled sweet potato, vitamin C rich fruits mixed with low fat yogurt, slices of whole grain bread with a light spread of peanut butter or almond butter and a protein shake. |
Lunch | Half a cup of black beans, one chicken breast, array of vegetables (boiled or raw), whole grain pasta and green salads. You can modify the options given above as per convenience and choice, but make sure you meet the nutritional demands of your body. |
Evening Meal | An ounce of dark chocolate or dry fruits and fresh fruits. You can also treat yourself to some superfoods you are waiting to binge on. Restrict the intake of chocolate and the treat to 3-4 times per week. |
Dinner | Keep your dinner a little mild. You can include pita pizza, whole grain cereals with proteins, chicken and a variety of salads. Serving of salmon 2-3 times per week is also recommended. |
The above diet plan feeds your body appropriately with the right kinds of foods, in the right amounts. Moreover, this diet plan ensures complete nutritional value. You can modify the triathlon training diet plan according to your choice and convenience. You can also have multivitamin supplements to meet the requirements of vitamins and minerals. Set realistic goals and work hard towards achieving them. And then see how your training pays off!