Weight Watchers PointsPlus is the renewed weight loss formula of the Weight Watchers. In order to learn about the new point system and diet plan, read on…
Disclaimer: The team of Weight Watchers keeps updating the program, according to the requirements/feedback of their members. The program has been updated many times, the latest one being the Weight Watchers 360° program, which was unveiled on the 3rd of December, 2012. The program teaches members how to manage their food environment, claiming that we tend to eat what we see. It also guides people on ways to control their temptation, and to avoid pleasure eating. Weight Watchers has not increased their rates for this new approach, and all the meetings, eTools, and apps are included in the total fee.
The content in this article explains the Weight Watchers PointsPlus program in detail. The details of the current program are exclusively available to the paid members of Weight Watchers.
One of the most popular weight loss programs of our times is the Weight Watchers. Original Weight Watchers Points System weight loss program was launched in the year 1963. After immense success that they got by introducing a revolutionary weight loss program, the creators have decided to modify their existing diet plan for better. The same is the inspiration behind overhaul of points system of Weight Watchers diet plan. According to the Weight Watchers International, there were certain things in their original Weight Watchers program that left space for modifications and hence they decided to come up with the whole new Weight Watchers PointsPlus system. It is known as Weight Watchers ProPoints in the UK. This is a totally revamped version of the original Weight Watchers Points system with pretty easy application and equally great weight loss results. Keep reading further, to get detailed information about this diet plan.
Applications of the Program
Improved PointsPlus System
As we know, in the original Weight Watcher’s formula, the amount of calories, fat grams and fiber grams were taken into consideration. Other things like age, weight, height and the type of lifestyle, were also considered while calculating total required Weight Watchers points for him/her. However, in the PointsPlus weight loss program, you need to consider protein, carbohydrates, fat grams and fibers. As you can see, the latest formula doesn’t count calories. However, it is important to understand that you still need to consume foods that round up the daily allowed points, the only difference is that the earlier food points are now changed. This change in their points system is the first overhaul of this diet plan. Along with the basic principle of weight loss, this diet plan mainly focuses on healthy eating. As a result, fruits and vegetables which have bountiful benefits, contain zero points in the new PointsPlus. Fruits like banana, which earlier had ‘2’ points, now has ‘zero’ points. A glass of red wine on the other hand, which earlier had ‘2’ points, now has ‘4’ points. However, it is also important to understand that certain foods like say chicken breast which had ‘3’ points in the earlier program holds ‘3’ points in the renewed program as well.
Emphasize on Healthy Weight Loss
According to the creators of this program, it is important to consider the amount of protein because it is healthier and essential that say fats and carbohydrates. As a result, the new program has lower points for protein. Secondly, fruits and vegetables. As I mentioned above, since fruits and vegetables are healthier than sweets and desserts, most of them contain 0 points. The main reason for this change is the dieter’s tendency that the creators observed in the earlier program. Since fruits and vegetables had certain points, many people used to replace them with other foods in an attempt to save their daily allowance of points, which in a way was wrong. With the overhauled PointsPlus, the creators strongly believe that people will make healthier choices. A few other developments that have changed. For instance, increase in the bonus points, which are now raised to 49 points for a week. Newly organized Weight Watchers foods need more exercise to process those foods. This fact will promote importance of exercise amongst the dieters. The new diet plan will also promote more consumption of various fruits and vegetables that contain all the important vitamins and minerals. All in all, according to the creators, the latest PointsPlus program is surely to be yet another trendsetting way of losing weight.
PointsPlus for Old Members
This is a crucial part which we need to discuss. People who are already Weight Watchers members which counts up to around 750,000 Americans, who need to adjust their original points system for the newer one. The new points range is higher than the older one. There are three ways by which you can count your required PointsPlus points. You can either search for them in your Companion Books and contact the Weight Watchers online or by phone. But the most suitable way for all, which is also the latest introduction is the PointsPlus calculator, which is made available only for the members. You can adjust your new points range with the help of calculator. There are only a few things that you may need to do, which include: eating power foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat or non-fat dairy), daily intake of limited amount of healthy oils, multivitamins and lots of water and plenty of exercise whenever possible. You can try your Weight Watchers PointsPlus recipes with help of the users manuals which are made available for you by the creators of this diet.
PointsPlus for New Members
Now, if you are an aspirant Weight Watchers member or are in search of a free formula, then I have some bad news for you. The original PointsPlus formula is only available for the paid and active member of the Weight Watchers. Secondly, the original formula of Weight Watchers is strictly under the legal abidance and regulations of the US law and hence, you may have to join Weight Watchers to experience benefits of the latest PointsPlus program. If you are new to this diet program, let me tell you about some downfalls of this weight loss plan though. Since this diet plan encourages consumption of fruits and vegetables, people are likely to overboard themselves with loads of calories which are present in them. Secondly, a few dieters are likely to go for the foods with nutritional value, just because they have less points. This tendency might greatly affect their weight loss goals. However, all these things will not happen, when along with healthy foods, the dieters are keen on healthy exercises too. If you burn the fats that you are consuming, then there is nothing better than that!
There are mixed reviews about this much anticipated Weight Watchers PointsPlus program. I hope above information was found knowledgeable for those of you who wish to follow this weight loss program!