What constitutes as a healthy diet? With so many tips coming up each day, there is bound to be confusion regarding the same. So what we do in this following article is that we give you the basics of what is a healthy diet and how to go about planning one.
With so much furor about health and fitness going up and about, it’s about time that we understand something about what constitutes a healthy diet. Cause if you look around, there is so much confusion about what is right and what is wrong]. Add to that the fact that there is always some new diet that makes way―water diet, fruits diet, cabbage diet, etc.
Do all these qualify as healthy diets? Not really. A healthy diet is, in simple terms, a diet that is well-balanced. A diet that takes from the 5 basic food groups such that all forms of nutrients are provided for the body. In the article that follows, we will look through what comprises a healthy diet, how to plan for one, and certain other tips on the same.
Basic Food Groups
The basics of a healthy diet plan is that it has to have components of the 5 basic food groups as a rule. The 5 food groups include:
- Protein
- Fruits and vegetables
- Milk and dairy
- Carbohydrates
- Fats and sugar
These 5 food groups help in varied bodily functions. Carbs help in providing for energy, proteins help in repair of the wear and tear in the body, fruits and vegetables provide for a wide range of functions like increasing the metabolic rate, cleansing of toxins, providing for varied nutrients, and antioxidants, milk and dairy help in providing calcium which is important for making the bones and teeth stronger, and a small portion of sugar and fats are needed for the health of the body.
How Much and Why
As is clear, excluding any component from these 5 basic food groups does not work towards forming a well-balanced diet menu. So it should not be that a particular food group should be left out as that will only lead to deficiencies and bring about multiple health problems. At the same time, understanding the portions of what and how much you eat is important. Carbs and proteins should form a third each of your diet, the rest will have to be filled by dairy, milk, and only a small portion from sugar. The first thing that you need to do then is to understand the kind of foods that fall in each of these groups so that you can plan your meals better.
Other Important Factors
Along with the basic understanding of these factors, there are certain other factors that are important for planning a healthy diet plan. Here are some of the same:
- Include omega 3 fatty essential oils which are found in varied types of fish. These are essential for heart health.
- Never forget water as one of the most important components of planning a healthy diet. Consume lots and lots of water. This will help in digestion, cleansing, and varied other bodily functions.
- Exclude salt as far as possible. Salt retains water in the body and is responsible for increasing cholesterol―which is bad for ones heart health. Processed foods are full of salts and sodium. These need to be excluded as a rule.
- Don’t count calories. Instead, go with a simple factor―a person can effectively digest about a fistful of food in each meal. So try not to exceed that limit or it leads to overeating and thereby to indigestion.
- Aim at including different colored vegetables and fruits in your diet. Each shade of fruit and vegetable provides for a different form of nutrient and antioxidant. All of which are important for the body. Similarly, aim at including fruits and vegetables that are fresh. Avoid frozen vegetables and fruits.
- Include nuts, seeds, and whole grains as a part of your diet.
- Avoiding sugary drinks as well as processed foods is an important factor.
Along with keeping these given pointers in mind, there is a need to understand the importance of consuming a healthy and balanced diet. This is what will form a base for healthy living in the future. Make sure that their diet consists of fresh foods, and exclude processed foods as far as possible.
Seeking an answer to why is a balanced diet important is the first step in understanding what is a healthy diet and planning one accordingly. Following a healthy diet goes a long way in maintaining overall health and functioning of the human body. Now that you have an understanding of the basic tenets of a healthy diet, there should be no problem in planning one for yourself, or for others for that matter.