Wheat is a grand storehouse of alimentative values, and easily makes it to the list of the 10 most nutritionally endowed food items. Read on to find out all about wheat germ nutrition, and more importantly, the health benefits derived from the nutritional value of wheat germ.
Wheat germ is primarily located within a wheat grain, called the kernel, which also houses the endosperm. The germ contributes to only 2.5% of the weight of the wheat grain, and is extremely nutritive. Unfortunately, during the manufacturing process of the wheat, the germ is disposed off and thus we do not get to reap its benefits. Thankfully though, whole wheat as well as whole-wheat flour does have the germ present, and thus, is great for cardiovascular health along with energy level boosts.
Nowadays, even wheat germ flakes are widely marketed, either raw or toasted. Also, even though the goodness of the germ gets taken away during the grinding process in the mills, white flour is restored with the germ values, with the addition of it for the purpose of enrichment, during the process of fortification.
Nutritional Value of Wheat Germ
The following nutrition measurements will talk about calories and the protein, carbohydrate, and saturated fat content in these items.
Wheat Germ Item | Serving Size | Number of Calories | Calories from Fat | Saturated Fat (in grams) |
Carbohydrates (in grams) |
Proteins (in grams) |
Plain wheat germ cereals | 113 g | 414 | 101 | 1.92 | 59.6 | 26.6 |
Toasted wheat germ cereal | 113 g | 432 | 109 | 2.1 | 56.1 | 32.8 |
Plain wheat germ bread | 28 g (1 slice) | 74 | 7 | 0.1 | 13.5 | 2.7 |
Wheat germ oil | 14 g (1 tbsp.) | 120 | 120 | 2.56 | 0 | 0 |
Well, if you toast a wheat germ bread, the number of calories rise to 83. So, you see, wheat germ is pretty good for your health. In fact, a cup provides for 20% of your daily carbohydrate requirement, and with a fiber content of 15.2 g, 61% of your dietary fiber DV stipulation is reached.
Other Nutrition Facts
- A cupful of toasted wheat germ flakes,mildly sweet and nutty flavored, have about 7.48 g of polyunsaturated and 1.695 g of monounsaturated fats. These fats are required by the body as they nurture the skin, and harness soaring cholesterol levels and influence them to descend to sane levels in order to keep the cardiovascular system salubrious.
- It does contain about 2% and 11% of the DV stipulation of vitamin A and C, respectively. But, what makes it remarkable is its richness in the variant B vitamin forms. It has mind-boggling contents of thiamine or vitamin B1 (126%), riboflavin (55%), pyridoxine or vitamin B6 (55%), niacin (32%), folates, and pantothenic acid (16%).
- It has high vitamin E contents that aids neutralization of free radicals in the body being an antioxidant.
- Wheat germ is a storehouse of minerals. It has handsome contents of phosphorus (129%), zinc (126%), magnesium (90%), iron (57%), copper (35%), potassium (31%), calcium (5%), and some 5 mg of sodium.
- Even selenium, which battles the risk of cancer, is found in wheat germ food items.
- Rich in carbohydrates, these wheat germ flakes yield about 17.1 g of dietary fibers which is 68% of the DV, aiding the process of metabolism hugely, and preventing hemorrhoids by making stool emollient, and 8.8 g of sugars which are easily broken down to recharge those energy batteries.
- A yellow hued phospholipid which is vital for the metabolism of fats, known as lecithin, is also found in wheat germ.
- Wheat germ is one of the best sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which cannot be generated by the body itself, and thus has to be provided to the body from outside sources. These alpha-linolenic acids are very essential for blood pressure regulation, sharpened brain function, and good heart health.
- The benefits of wheat germ oil include the fact that it is steeped with antioxidants and is, therefore, known to keep the signs of aging at bay. Known to aid the cure of psoriasis and eczema, this oil also provides the body with stearic, oleic palmitic, and linoleic fatty acids, which cannot be generated by the body and are essential for cell development and replication, keeping the nervous system health sound and to strengthen the immunity of a person.
- Wheat germ is great for ensuring macular health as it has lutein and zeaxanthin in a quantity of 790 mcg in 100 g of it.
- It has no caffeine content at all.
[* Percentages in the bracket indicate the DV (Daily Value) of the contents and not their quantity in the wheat germ.]
As evident as the wheat germ health benefits are by now, it would be apt to say that it is one of the most potent natural supplements, which would more than make up for any nutritive insufficiency an individual is likely to face. Those on low-carb diets can easily utilize wheat germ nutrition to make up for all the nutrients their diet is missing out on. Use it as a bread crumb substitute, or regular flour, or consume it in smoothies, pancakes, homemade protein bars or casseroles, wheat germ will take you to health levels few other food items can even reach. So stop thinking and add wheat germ products to your diet today.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.