The dosage for chromium picolinate considered to be safe can vary from 50 mcg to 200 mcg to treat an underlying condition. To know more about this herbal supplement, read on.
Chromium picolinate is a herbal supplement that is used as an alternative medicine to lower high cholesterol levels. It also helps to control sugar levels in the body. Hence, this medicine is also effective in the treatment of diabetes. Chromium picolinate that is made from the most unadulterated form of chromium and picolinate is also regarded as an effective weight loss supplement. However, it should always be purchased from a reliable source for optimum results.
In case of chromium picolinate, the recommended daily intake for effective treatment is not yet known. Doctors still do not have sufficient information about the exact dose of this herbal supplement that is effective and safe. Medical practitioners are clueless about maximum daily dosage that is suitable to cure the patient.
As there is no evidence available about the exact chromium requirements for our body, the “adequate intake” (AI) amount is prescribed on the basis of chromium content in our daily diet. AI for this medicine is considered to be safe and capable enough to give the best results. For newborn babies, the recommended AI for chromium is 0.2 mcg daily. For others, the daily AI varies from 0.2 to 45 mcg daily.
However, chromium picolinate supplements in the form of tablets contain higher amounts of chromium than the prescribed adequate intake (AI). Studies have shown that the herbal supplement is generally safe for various medical condition when the daily dosage is in between 50 to 200 mcg. Side effects of this supplement are rare and normally do not occur when it is taken in the recommended dosage.
Chromium is a mineral and an important constituent of certain healthy foods. With increase in age, the body’s ability to absorb sufficient amount of chromium decreases. Including chromium picolinate supplements in the diet can help to ward off this chromium deficiency. This product should never be taken in huge doses or for longer duration than recommended. The dosage will vary in case the person has some infection, illness or is pregnant.
This herbal supplement, when taken in excess can cause some serious side effects. For instance, people who took more than 1200 mcg of chromium supplement daily have suffered from kidney damage and even impaired liver function. The patient is likely to experience the following serious side effects when the herbal supplement is taken in large doses:
- Malfunctioning of the kidneys
- Liver damage
- Bleeding occurs in the digestive tract
- Difficulty concentrating
- Anemia
- Loss of appetite
- Sleep disturbances
- Headache
- Skin rashes
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.