In many countries, cod liver oil has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and contains huge traces of vitamin A, D, E. It can be taken in the form of pills or capsules. Here’s more…
Cod liver oil, as the name suggests, is obtained from the liver of codfishes. These supplements are derived from codfishes of the cold water bodies of the North Atlantic Ocean, because the water bodies in that region are purer and relatively pollution-free. Intake of cod liver oil in the form of pills, capsules, or as a liquid is actually a question of personal choice. It is highly rated for being a rich source of vitamin A, D, and E. It was not too long ago that researchers discovered huge amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids in this particular supplement..
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil is the most widely used nutritional supplement, primarily in Europe, but also in the rest of the world. Regular dosage can fulfill the deficiency of fatty acids, vitamins, as well as calcium. Following are the nutritional factors in cod liver oil:
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
It is very important for the healthy as well as proper functioning of various human body parts, such as the heart, brain, joints, and the digestive system.
It is a rich source of vitamin A, which is important for the eyes, digestion system, and healthy skin. Vitamin D is beneficial for maintaining normal blood sugar level, and the overall immune system as well. Also, vitamin E helps the body process fatty acids as well as maintain healthy hair and skin.
Cod liver oil helps the body absorb calcium to a greater extent. Calcium, as we all know, is the most important factor that maintains the health of the bones and teeth.
Benefits of Cod Liver Oil Capsules
Consuming raw cod liver oil may cause certain problems like bad breath and insipid aftertaste, which can be avoided by taking capsules instead. Chewable pills are also available, which are specially flavored, such as mint and citric flavor. Capsules contain important omega-3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is an important nutritional source for the body to deal with inflammation.
While, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in cod liver oil is extremely important in the development and proper functioning of the brain as well as the nervous system. Almost all recognized capsule manufacturers use 100% pure cod liver oil. Prescribed intake of the pills help in correcting many dysfunctions of the body.
For Heart Diseases
Health benefits of cod liver oil pills are mainly visible when used as a curative in heart diseases and also after a cardiac surgery. The oil in the pills heals the arteries by altering their linings. They provide added protection to the cardiovascular system, and are often recommended for those suffering from various heart diseases.
It is also a proven fact that these pills help in lowering cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, as well. The omega-3 fatty acids that are present in the oil prevent blood clotting that can later lead to a heart attack. It can also reduce triglyceride levels. Some researches also believe that they help in regulating the rate of heartbeats.
For Arthritis
These pills prove essential in the treatments of both the rheumatic as well as osteoarthritis. Capsules contain essential enzymes that can reduce pain, as well as inflammation of the body parts. They can also help in curing morning joint stiffness, joint swelling, and many autoimmune diseases. The omega-3 fatty acid content helps reduce fatigue and tiredness.
Other Benefits
These pills are often combined with various other nutritious supplements like iron and selenium. It can prove beneficial in the treatment of ear infections in children, psoriasis, itching, redness, and other disorders of the skin.
If not used intelligently, the side effects may prove to be harmful. Excessive usage of anything leads to significant damage. Overdose of cod liver oil tablets can cause mild to severe side effects like nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, hair loss, liver damage, skin diseases, etc. Daily consumption of 5 pills (approx. 15 gm) can fulfill all bodily requirements of fatty acids. However, it is recommended to consult your physician and follow his/her advice before starting the intake of any supplement.