Most of us spend most of our efforts in planning and implementing an effective weight loss plan. Have you ever heard of the effectiveness of cinnamon pills for weight loss? Yes, these natural pills are known to help you shed those extra kilos from your body. More on this is explained in the write-up below.
Cinnamon is a spice native to Asian countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. It has been traditionally used as a herb to treat conditions like diarrhea, common cold, and menstrual disorders in women. As far as weight loss is concerned, research shows that people who consumed 2000 mg of cinnamon daily, ended up losing 300% more weight, and 500% more belly fat than normally.
Though there are many products that claim instant weight loss and rapid results, none of these products are considered to be naturally safe and come with potential risks, making their usage questionable. To be really honest, there is no shortcut to weight loss, but we can always choose from approaches which are safe as compared to those which seem to be doubtful …, and cinnamon seems to be a natural and safe approach towards weight loss. You must always consult with your healthcare specialist before going ahead with any alternative medicine, as certain health conditions can cause unnecessary complications. Also, be sure if cinnamon suits you and that you don’t have any allergies related to the same.
How Do Cinnamon Pills Work Towards Weight Loss?
Well, the usage of cinnamon pills isn’t just a ‘grandma’s remedy’, or, a traditional cure for weight loss. In fact, various scientists and researchers have studied the contribution of cinnamon towards weight loss and the treatment of various health conditions like heart diseases, blood pressure, and diabetes; obesity, or, being overweight is closely related to these conditions. This means that cinnamon can not only give you the desired weight range, but also minimize the risks of the aforementioned chronic conditions. In the western countries, cinnamon isn’t used as a common ingredient in foods and drinks. As far as weight loss is concerned, many people have experienced that consuming cinnamon capsules or pills, actually boosts weight loss without any significant dietary and exercise changes.
According to some experts, cinnamon contains high amounts of polyphenols, which promotes weight loss in the human body. In fact, studies have also revealed that cinnamon actually promotes loss of belly fat, something which most of the people keep struggling with! It has been observed that consumption of ½ a teaspoon of cinnamon powder on a regular basis proves to lower the cholesterol levels in the body. Cinnamon also contains a compound known as hydroxycinnamaldehyde. This compound is known to fight against inflammation and reduce the levels of harmful fats in the blood, thereby reducing obesity at the same time. Cinnamon also increases the metabolism of a person, and we all know how important it is to have a good metabolism to effect a healthy weight loss.
Cinnamon Dosage for Weight Loss
The next question in your mind would be regarding the dosage that should be included in your diet in order to promote weight loss, right? Well, according to the experts, a healthy person who is not suffering from any hormonal problems or blood disorders, should consume about ½ – ¾ teaspoons of powdered cinnamon daily to promote weight loss. Now, the point to be kept in mind is that it may not be easy for you to consume it in the powdered form. When the salivary glands are exposed to high amounts of polyphenols, they tend to produce a specific protein that minimizes their effect, therefore, for better results, it is best to consume cinnamon in the form of capsules or pills. ½ – ¾ teaspoon of powdered cinnamon is equivalent to 2,000 mg. Taking 4 capsules of 500 mg daily, that is, one with breakfast, two along with lunch, and last one with dinner should be fine.
Consuming cinnamon pills seems to be an easy way to lose weight, right? However, you must be very cautious about the same in case you are taking medications like blood thinners or hormonal drugs. Also, people who are suffering from liver diseases and other hormonal problems may suffer from certain side effects. Many people who have side effects with cinnamon have experienced problems like skin rashes and breathing disorders. So, make sure you consult with your healthcare specialist before going forward with it.
Disclaimer: This NutriNeat article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.