Though introduced for kids, who are averse to vitamin tablets, gummy vitamins are now available for adults too. Here is a brief overview about the same.
Most of us are familiar with gummy vitamins, which were introduced for kids. It was believed that, only kids need vitamins and other nutrients, as they are in the growing phase. It was assumed that, adults get the required nutrients from the food they eat. In case of adults, vitamins are usually recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and those with vitamin deficiencies.
Now, times have changed dramatically; and a well-balanced and nutritious diet is not always possible. This could be due to lack of time, consumption of junk food, skipping meals, low-calorie diets, etc. This results in vitamin deficiencies and related health problems. In short, adults may also need vitamin supplements. Gummy vitamins, which are popular with kids, can be useful for adults too; particularly, for those, who detest swallowing vitamin tablets.
What are Gummy Vitamins?
They are nothing other than chewable candies with vitamins. The idea of gummy vitamins is derived from gummy bears, which are gelatin based candies, originally produced in Germany, during the 1920s. Later, different versions were produced by various companies, the latest being gummy bear vitamins or gummy vitamins. Initially, this product was meant for children, as most of them dislike vitamin pills.
In order to woo kids, gummy vitamins are sold in attractive colors and shapes, with a candy-like, chewable texture. However, it is necessary to stick to the prescribed dosage. Moreover, tooth decay can be caused by regular use of these vitamins. So, proper dental hygiene is also advisable. Nowadays, gummy vitamins for adults are also available in the market. There are various varieties, like gummy multivitamins and those with more calcium for women.
Adult Version
Gummy vitamins have proved to be a boon for those adults, who dislike swallowing the conventional vitamin pills. Though, the kids’ version has more varieties, adult version also has different options in many flavors. They are sufficient for your daily nutrient needs. Apart from that, you don’t have to swallow vitamin tablets anymore. Gummy vitamins for adults and kids are readily available in almost all supermarkets, grocery stores, and vitamin shops. You can even order them online.
As compared to the conventional vitamin pills, gummy types are more expensive. However, easy availability does not mean that you can start using these vitamins as per your discretion. These vitamins should be used only after consulting your health care provider. Keep both versions out of the reach of children, because, these vitamins have to be taken as per the prescribed dosage.
As these vitamins are like candies, children tend to consume more. If your child consumes this product in large quantities, immediate medical attention should be provided, as there are chances of deadly overdose. Both versions vary in dosage and vitamin content.
Apart from the health benefits, the convenience factor is the main plus point of this product. However, make sure to seek the opinion of your doctor, before using this product.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.