Including high fiber high protein foods in your daily diet is a very healthy approach for planning your perfect nutritional meals. Find more details in the following article.
A high protein diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates, which causes various nutritional deficiencies and problems such as constipation, high cholesterol levels or even worse, kidney problems. You don’t even get your daily dose of fiber, which is essential for your body. But, a high protein diet aids quick weight loss, so people tend to follow a high protein diet blindly. Now, what if you were told that you can follow a high protein diet plan without encountering any of these problems and still lose a good amount of weight. For this, all you have to do is, club the protein rich diet with high fiber foods. Fiber will not affect the weight loss process but provide that extra roughage for the easy movement of bowels to cleanse your system and combat constipation problems. A high fiber high protein diet also helps reduce the risk of heart and kidney disorders. Switching your diet to lean sources of protein and fiber is the best way to get a complete dose of necessary antioxidants and amino acids.
High Fiber High Protein Diet Explained
Breakfast Options
Kick start your day with fresh fibrous fruits and couple it with an egg omelet or cottage cheese pan cake (for veggie lovers). Mango, strawberry, blueberry smoothies topped with protein rich dried fruits and nuts are also good variations to your breakfast options. Or you can simply toss freshly chopped bananas with fat free yogurt.
Lunch Options
Maintain the fiber and protein content in your lunch by enjoying protein rich grains and fiber. Brown rice and leafy green veggies are good at giving you that required portion of fiber whereas, smoked salmon, legumes, black beans, meat, poultry and fish are protein rich. You can also make a tuna or sprouted grains salad, top it with some mayonnaise and some herbs to spice it up.
Snacks Options
Roasted soy nuts, corn salad, pomegranate seeds, peanut butter sandwich or popcorn are perfect snacks options. They will not only provide you with a good amount of antioxidants or amino acids but also satisfy your taste buds and keep you away from eating junk food. You can also treat yourself to a fiber rich fruit juice.
Dinner Options
Dinner choices include mackerel, tuna, sardines, rye bread, turkey and scrambled eggs. You can get a little creative and prepare your own meals. Make your food interesting and tasty. You can have fruit kebabs, burgers with avocado salsa sandwiched or how about a carrot and cabbage salad with lemon squeeze and garnished with apricots, raisins and other dried fruits of your choice? Grilled chicken or meat is also a good dinner option, which gives you the complete nutritional benefit, you are looking for.
Dessert Options
Avoid desserts as far as possible, as they only please your palate and mostly, add to your fats. But, you can try healthier dessert options like berry smoothies, dates cake, fruit salad with a flavored yogurt, apples with peanut butter or pomegranate seeds along with chopped pieces of mangoes, apples and bananas; garnished with an ounce of grated dark chocolate, which is loaded with antioxidants. They satisfy your craving for desserts and are way healthier too.
Before starting any diet make sure you consult your doctor, to determine if it really works for you. Too much of proteins and fiber can result in cravings for carbs rich foods. Also remember to keep yourself hydrated and get adequate amount of shut eyes. This will keep your system functioning smoothly and also make it very easy for your body to adapt to the new diet plan.