Yogurt is known to cure many digestive system related problems. So, what role does yogurt play for digestive health? And how is it digested? Read on, to learn about yogurt, its digestion and absorption in the body and its various health benefits.
Yogurt is made by fermentation of milk. To make yogurt at home a tablespoon of yogurt is added to one cup of lukewarm milk. After 5-6 hours the milk will turn into yogurt. Due to the process of fermentation, yogurt contain beneficial bacteria, that contributes to the immense health benefits of yogurt. Yogurt which is plain, unflavored and unsweetened is also known as curd. However, yogurt can be flavored. Often, it is blended with fruits to make fresh yogurt smoothies. Also, there are many traditional varieties of yogurt recipes.
Raita in India is a type of flavored yogurt which is made by flavoring yogurt with salt, pepper, and certain fruits and vegetables like pineapple, cucumber, coriander, onions, etc. Similarly, in many parts of the world like Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, etc. a yogurt cold soup known as cacýk is served during summer time. In Northern part of Iran, mast chekide which is a variety of yogurt is served as a side dish. So, around the world yogurt side dishes are served with spicy food. Yogurt is known to calm down irritated stomach. So, what does yogurt contain which makes it easy to digest and helpful in digestion of spicy foods? Let us look at how yogurt is digested and absorbed in the body.
How is Yogurt Digested and Absorbed by the Body?
Eating yogurt is one of the easiest ways to digest foods. Mostly, yogurt is made using cow’s milk. Cow’s milk is low in fat and hence is preferred by many people. Yogurt is basically easy to digest than milk. Many people who tend to suffer from lactose intolerance or protein allergies can still consume yogurt. This is because the live active cultures present in yogurt create lactase.
Two cultures are used to make curd. When one eats yogurt, S.thermophilus and L. bulgaricus die in the stomach, however L. acidophilus which is added to make some yogurt survives digestion and so provides many health benefits to the body, especially the stomach and colon. So, these live cultures which help to create lactase are very beneficial for people who have lactose intolerance, as they tend to have a deficiency of lactase.
Also, certain enzymes get absorbed by the body when one has consumed yogurt. The enzyme, beta-galactosidase also helps to decrease the deficiency of lactase by making the body more capable of absorbing lactose. These enzymes help to partially digest the milk protein casein, which makes it less allergenic. Hence, many children and adults who have lactose intolerance or protein allergies are recommended yogurt.
When yogurt enters the body it greatly helps to calm down the stomach acids. Yogurt also helps to aid digestion and being an easy to digest foods can be given to people who have a stomach upset. If you have heartburn, then having a small cup of yogurt can provide you instant relief. Yogurt also fights stomach ulcers and colon cancer. When yogurt passes through the large intestine which is colon, the good bacteria in yogurt helps to remove the bad bacteria in the colon. This helps to cleanse the colon naturally. Colon cleansing by regular consumption of yogurt which contains live cultures, helps to prevent colon cancer.
Apart from digestive system health benefits, there are many health benefits of yogurt. Regular consumption of yogurt helps to boost immunity, improves your skin health, strengthens bones and teeth, reduces yeast infections, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, reduces risk of osteoporosis, lowers cholesterol and provides excellent protein to the body. So, why don’t you start eating yogurt everyday?