The hCG diet strategy involves taking human chorionic gonadotropin hormone along with calorie restriction diet. For every candidate, understanding how to start the hCG diet is essential to carry out the dieting program correctly.
The hCG diet plan is gaining huge popularity in the weight loss industry. It is no denying the fact that we all want to look best and stay it. But for some people, obesity becomes a chronic problem and conventional weight loss tricks do not work out. You will come across innumerable fad diets in the market and choosing one is quite challenging. According to the purporters, hCG diet gives satisfactory results with lesser adverse effects.
What is hCG diet?
The hCG diet protocol is based on incorporating human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) drops, injections or pills in specific dosage. This diet strategy was first acknowledged in 1969 by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. In his studies, he found that patients who were administered hCG in conjunction with calorie restriction diet showed less signs of starvation. Before actually starting the hCG diet, it is of utmost importance to know how this diet works in shedding excess fats.
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone secreted by both men and women in trace amounts. But, its level is increased significantly at the time of pregnancy, wherein the developing embryo plays a main role in production. According to Dr. Simeons, the reason for increased hCG secretion in pregnant women may be related to inducing the breakdown of adipose tissues, which in turn provides energy for the developing fetus. While hCG is given with ultra-low-calorie diet in dieters, it brings out the same body responses and promotes weight loss.
Starting the hCG Diet
While participating in any type of weight loss diet program, taking help of a professional who has prior experience in the field is a necessity. The candidate will be examined for underlying diseases to check whether he/she is fit enough to proceed for hCG diet. If test results are positive, certain guidelines concerning daily diet plan, self-care tips and other prerequisites are explained to the candidate. They are essential for accomplishing targeted weight loss objectives without causing major side effects.
Every prospective candidate should make it a point to go through the hCG diet reviews to get a fair idea and should be thorough about ‘how to begin the hCG diet’. Any doubt related to the protocol should be cleared beforehand. Self prescription medication is not recommended at all, so is the use of oils in skin and hair. They are shown to impair hCG diet results. The hCG weight loss diet protocol comes in two options based on the length of dieting. One requires 26 days and another lasts for 42 days. For both cases, there are three successive phases, which are explained below.
First: The Loading Phase
In the phase 1 (first two days), the candidate is expected to take specific dose of oral hCG (drops or pills) three times a day, or receive a single hCG injection per day. Drops are taken sublingually and pills can be taken in the regular way. During this phase, a person is allowed to eat heavy foods without any kind of restriction. In short, there is no need for cutting down the calorie intake during the first phase of hCG diet program.
Second: The Maintenance Phase
The phase 2 begins from the third day, and in this period, the dieter should stick to ultra-low-calorie diet plan (500 calories per day). The daily diet should be planned in such a way that it contains high protein, minimum carbohydrate and fat-free foods. Regarding hCG administration, it should be continued in the same way as the first phase. Those who are receiving injections will need to visit doctor for getting shots.
Third: The Stabilization Phase
After the low calorie diet phase, comes the maintenance phase (lasting for 3 days). Over here, taking oral hCG or delivering hCG injection is stopped completely. But, the participant will continue with the low calorie diet. This is to ensure that the body gets rid of hCG hormone without exposure to drastic changes in body metabolism. Know more on hCG diet food list.
After successful completion of these three phases, one can enjoy a variety of foods, but consumption of sugar and starch is restricted for some days to control further increase in weight. It is to be borne in mind that candidates should drink an adequate amount of water (2 liters per day) during all the phases of dieting. Those interested in shedding more weight can repeat the same again after completing the above phases.
What are hCG Diet Side Effects?
Some people who have participated in the hCG diet plan are satisfied with the results. While on the diet, the average weight reduction is claimed to be 1-2 pounds on a daily basis. But one word of advice is, not to get carried away by any kind of publicity hypes. It is better to discuss with the doctor the benefits and dangers of hCG diet and then, make a prompt decision. Though side effects of this diet are temporary and not so severe, they include headache, tiredness, increased fatigue and hunger pangs.
So, this was an overview of how to start the hCG diet and the various phases under it. Strictly follow the 500 calorie diet for the suggested period (21 days for the 26 day diet program and 37 days for the 46 day diet program). Be determined with the weight loss goals and understand the basic considerations for making the hCG diet plan work efficiently.