While following the Master Cleanse diet, your daily regimen would consist of a salt water flush in the morning, intake of 6 or more glasses of a specially prepared lemonade, and a laxative tea at night. This Buzzle write-up provides the Master Cleanse recipe for 1 gallon.
Developed by Stanley Burroughs in 1941, the Master Cleanse lemonade diet has gained immense popularity across the globe. It is considered to be one of the most effective liquid diets for detoxification of the body. It can also facilitate weight loss. This is a 10-day program that allows the body to eliminate the toxins that have been accumulated. For best results, this lemonade detox diet has to be followed strictly at least for a duration of ten days. The dieter should strictly avoid the consumption of solid food during this period. Only lemonade and fresh water is allowed in this diet program. Basically, this program requires you to drink plenty of lemonade throughout the day. It is essential to make the lemonade as per the directions provided.
Master Cleanse Recipe (1 Gallon)
This diet can be followed for a period of 10 to 40 days. However, the dieter should have proper knowledge of the benefits of this cleansing fast. This diet was basically designed to promote overall health by eliminating all the toxins and harmful waste matter from the body. However, recently it has been promoted more as a weight loss diet. Apart from detoxification and weight loss, this detox diet is also beneficial for the skin.
While following this diet, you are required to strictly avoid solid foods and consume only water and lemonade. You will need to drink one gallon of this lemon drink everyday. It is better to prepare it at once to save time.
Ingredients and Directions
➻ Fresh lemon juice, 16 ounces
➻ Organic grade B maple syrup, 1 cup
➻ Cayenne pepper, ground, 1 teaspoon
➻ Pure filtered water, 1 gallon
➻ First of all, take a large, clean container that has a capacity of more than a gallon of water. Pour half of the water into the container.
➻ Add organic lemon juice to the water and stir well. You can squeeze this juice directly into the water, but make sure that pulp or seeds don’t fall into the container.
➻ Stir in the organic grade B maple syrup. It’s advisable to use the dark-colored maple syrup that is used for flavoring certain foods.
➻ Stir the mixture well. When the maple syrup completely dissolves in the water, add 1 teaspoon of finely ground cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is an important ingredient of the Master Cleanse lemonade drink, as it is a rich source of vitamin B and C. It also enhances the taste of the drink.
➻ Now, add the remaining water and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready.
Lemonade is the most important part of this diet program. Dieters need to take several servings of the drink in a single day. Instead of making one serving at a time, prepare a gallon of the drink early in the morning to save time. Although the Master Cleanse diet is an effective way to detoxify your body, it is always advisable to consult a dietitian before you start following this detox program.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.